



Hi all - I'm wondering if there is a better way to approach this than my current solution...

I have a list of items, I then retrieve another list of items. I need to compare the two lists and come up with a list of items that are existing (for update), a list that are not existing in the new list (for removal) and a list of items that are not existing in the old list (for adding).

Here is what I'm doing now - basically creating a lookup object for testing if an item exists. Thanks for any tips.

            for each (itm in _oldItems)
            _oldLookup[itm.itemNumber] = itm;

        // Loop through items and check if they already exist in the 'old' list
        for each (itm in _items)
            // If an item exists in the old list - push it for update
            if (_oldLookup[itm.itemNumber])
            else // otherwise push it into the items to add

            // remove it from the lookup list - this will leave only
            // items for removal remaining in the lookup
            delete _oldLookup[itm.itemNumber];

        // The items remaining in the lookup object have neither been added or updated - 
        // so they must be for removal  - add to list for removal
        for each (itm in _oldLookup)

Instead of using an Array, which requires O(n) time to determine if a value is present, you should use an Object, which should give you better performance (either O(1) or O(log n) per-lookup on average, depending on whether they are using a hash map or a tree in their implementation). So, as an example:

var array1 : Array = // ... first array
var array2 : Array = // ... second array

// Build up dictionary of items in array1
var array1_presence_dictionary : Object = new Object();
for each (var item : * in array1 ){
    array1_presence_dictionary[item] = item;

// Iterate over array2, constructing list of common and not common elements
var both : Array = new Array();
var only_in_array2 : Array = new Array();
for each (var item : * in array2 ){
      var key : String = String(item);
      if ( array1_presence_dictionary.hasOwnObject(key) ){

Note that if you are doing this frequently, as in you really want to have a Set implementation, then you should simply store all your values in an Object or Dictionary. That will ensure that elements are not repeated... you simply add elements by assigning dict[item]=item;, and you delete using del dict[item];.

Michael Aaron Safyan
I'm not sure I see the difference between this and what I am doing above, creating a lookup object from the old array, then looping and comparing to this to build the other arrays for update, add and remove. I can't use dictionaries or objects for all due to other business requirements...

If you must do this, then Michael's way is probably best (although it will still be quite slow if it is run frequently or for large arrays). It will also need a minor change to give you the array only_in_array1, since array1_presence_dictionary is an object not an array. And since you won't be using array1_presence_dictionary later you can change the line array1_presence_dictionary[item] = item; to array1_presence_dictionary[item.itemNumber] = true;

Actually, now that I look at the code, there are quite a bit of minor errors, such as casting item to a String, resulting in the key [Object Class_Of_Item] which is not unique, etc. But those are just minor problems and does not affect the answer.

The best way would be to make a design change if possible. Either create 3 different arrays for add, update, remove, or for the item create a variable status that will be updated to say what needs to be done, and you can loop through just once checking item.status. There are many alternatives.
