from my main class i call to create a sprite and add it to the stage
private function addSwatch(evt:MouseEvent):void
if (stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(mousePoint()).length == 0)
var swatchSide:Number = 100;
var newSwatch:Sprite = new Swatch(0 - swatchSide/2, 0 - swatchSide/2, swatchSide, swatchSide);
newSwatch.x = mouseX;
newSwatch.y = mouseY;
i've added a swatch sprite to the stage which, when dragged, is contained within set boundaries.
this.startDrag(false, swatchBounds());
private function swatchBounds():Rectangle
var stageBounds = new Rectangle (
0 - defaultSwatchRect.x,
0 - defaultSwatchRect.y,
stage.stageWidth - defaultSwatchRect.width,
stage.stageHeight - defaultSwatchRect.height
return stageBounds;
if the square sprite is scaled, the following returned rectangle boundary works
private function swatchBounds():Rectangle
var stageBounds = new Rectangle (
0 - defaultSwatchRect.x * swatchObject.scaleX,
0 - defaultSwatchRect.y * swatchObject.scaleY,
stage.stageWidth - defaultSwatchRect.width * swatchObject.scaleX,
stage.stageHeight - defaultSwatchRect.height * swatchObject.scaleY
return stageBounds;
now i'm trying to include the square sprites rotation into the mix. math certainly isn't my forté, but i feel i'm on the write track. however, i just can't seem to wrap my head around it to get it right
private function swatchBounds():Rectangle
var stageBounds = new Rectangle (
0 - defaultSwatchRect.x * swatchObject.scaleX * Math.cos(defaultSwatchRect.x * swatchObject.rotation),
0 - defaultSwatchRect.y * swatchObject.scaleY * Math.sin(defaultSwatchRect.y * swatchObject.rotation),
stage.stageWidth - defaultSwatchRect.width * swatchObject.scaleX * Math.cos(defaultSwatchRect.width * swatchObject.rotation),
stage.stageHeight - defaultSwatchRect.height * swatchObject.scaleY * Math.sin(defaultSwatchRect.height * swatchObject.rotation)
return stageBounds;