




I'm planning on making a fitness planning web application for my senior project at school. However, I don't know anything about either technology and my only experience with web development previously was with python and django. I was wondering what people might recommend to learn, what is most useful to learn for the job market, and what would be best for this project.

If it matters, the programming languages I know are, C, C++, Java, and Python. My goal of the project is to learn technologies that will make me a more marketable person.


+1  A: 

Why not to use the language you already know - Java or Python? What is the question anyway? "What language will make me rich with no hard work?". None, probably.

The best to learn is programming science, not particular language.
Do you know debugging, profiling, basic algorithms, database normalization, relational algebra? HTTP protocol (speaking of web-development)? You will need it with any language. And without it no language will help you.

Col. Shrapnel
I'm considering learning PHP or JSP for this project, and I want to see what people think is a better language to learn.
*Programming Science* does not exist. It's either *Computer Science* or *Software Engineering*.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Protocol? /raised eyebrow
Andrew Heath
Go, @Andrew raise another, for the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor *grin
Col. Shrapnel
@Gordon I'm not much concerned about terms. Computer Science is too broad and Software Engineering is an Engineering which requires no understanding. And programming *is* a science, while many people take it as a toy.
Col. Shrapnel

There is a Webserver in Python. You can make Websites in Python. So you may want to look at that but I don't know how easy it is to make cool stuff with Python. Take a look at Zope and Plone witch is a Python Webserver and CMS.

PHP is easy to learn and there is a lot of people who know how it works, plus there is a big community witch can halp you.

I admit that a don't know mutch about JSP but I don't think the are in use mutch nowdays.

P.S. For business you could go with ASP.NET but if you finish cool Software it doesn't matter what language you did it in. You can never learn all languages anyway so just pick one and go with it.

+1  A: 

As you know java, I'd suggest to use and learn JSP. It's still widely used and JSP knowledge is worth a lot.

You may also have a look at frameworks that utilize JSP like Spring MVC which enables you to write nice modular and testable code.

Patrick Cornelissen
+1  A: 

Why not to use the language you already know, but if you are interested to learn a new language then i think JSP will be better as you are familiar with java , and PHP is also good choice cause its syntax is very close to c/c++,

i will recommend you for market

(PHP +++)and (JSP + )

so you're saying PHP is much more marketable when looking for a job?
I think it's probably very easy to find a job in PHP, but it won't make you rich.
+1  A: 

PHP is a scripting language similar to Python. If you're already familiar with Python, then almost all you need for PHP is a familiarity with its libraries. To really get something out of it also check out its magic methods.

Now normally PHP wouldn't be my first suggestion for someone looking for a language to learn as it tends to encourage people that don't know any better to write sloppy code . However, since you have a Python/Java background you shouldn't have such a problem since those languages tends to teach you proper OO coding techniques.

Furthermore PHP is very popular in the job market. I seriously doubt there are PHP developers out there starving. I can't guarantee however that such a job will be a good one since maintaining some of the legacy PHP code out there (especially PHP4) can be a mentally scarring experience. Not that you can't find horrible code in other languages, but you get the idea.

JSP on the other hand is basically Java with extra bits stuck on it. If you know Java, it's not a great leap to writting JSP. Of course Java is Java, so expect to spend a lot of time dealing with its formalities.

Manos Dilaverakis
Interesting, so I might be more well-rounded if I try to learn PHP.