



I build a project in Eclipse for my BlackBerry.

I got a trouble that the jar cannot runs on my phone with the error "907 Invaild JAR Descriptor missing required atrribute:MIDlet-1".

What could be the reason for this?


Are you sure that you actually wrote a MIDlet (a.k.a a Java 2 ME application)?

A BlackBerry (and most other phones) can't simply run normal Java SE (a.k.a Desktop Java) applications, they need special applications. In the case of the BlackBerry those are eithe MIDlets or native BlackBerry applications developed with the BlackBerry JDE.

You need to provide more information about your project so that we can find the problem.

Joachim Sauer
I developed the project in eclipse with BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull.I can run the cod+jad file on my phone,but failed to run the jar file
MANIFEST.MF in the Jar is Manifest-Version: 1.0 RIM-MIDlet-Flags-1: 193 MIDlet-Vendor: <unknown> MIDlet-Version: 1.0 MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1 MIDlet-1: Co.Beginner,, Created-By: 1.6.0_19 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) MIDlet-Jar-URL: contect.jar MIDlet-Name: contect MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0 MIDlet-Description: Get my contect MIDlet-Jar-Size: 0
@Jeff: please edit your question to provide additional information. It's very hard to read in a comment.
Joachim Sauer

It looks like you're using a CLDC app in which case you don't need the JAR file for anything. All you need are the JAD and COD files.

Marc Novakowski