



In my current web application, I have to create a "Reputation Points & Badges Engine" somewhat similar to SO. That system contain many of rules and each rule is associated with few predefined user activities (like view question, vote question, etc). What I am trying to figure out the solution for: 1. Store all rules in database tables (almost each rule includes multiple conditions). can we do this? 2. To match each user action with rules saved in db tables and assign the associated reputation points and badges. a. Check if user already got the reward to the threshold value (e.g not of votes, views), defined in rule. b. Perform certain actions like promote user, notify user, ban user defined in few rules. 3. Provide an UI to admin of the application to Manage(add new / edit / delete) rules in application.

Any hints would be appreciate?


i guess u can do this with jboss brms or openrules
