



I'm trying to write a custom servlet (for AJAX/JSON) in which I would like to reference my @ManagedBeans by name. I'm hoping to map:



public class MyBean {
    public String getMyProperty();

Is it possible to load a bean by name from a regular servlet? Is there a JSF servlet or helper I could use for it?

I seem to be spoilt by Spring in which all this is too obvious.


Have you tried an approach like on this link? I'm not sure if createValueBinding() is still available but code like this should be accessible from a plain old Servlet. This does require to bean to already exist.

 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();  
 Application app = context.getApplication();
 // May be deprecated
 ValueBinding binding = app.createValueBinding("#{" + expr + "}"); 
 Object value = binding.getValue(context);
James P.
This probably won't work in a regular servlet. The FacesContext is a per-request thread-local artefact set up by the JSF lifecycle (usually the FacesServlet).
ValueBinding is deprecated since JSF 1.2 over 4 years ago.
@BalusC: It shows how up to date I am lol. On a sidenote, using a search engine to research techniques is turning out to be counterproductive with all the old information out there.@McDowell: That actually makes sense. I'll do a test just to see what happens.
James P.
+4  A: 

In a Servlet, you can get request scoped beans by:

Bean bean = (Bean) request.getAttribute("beanName");

and session scoped beans by:

Bean bean = (Bean) request.getSession().getAttribute("beanName);

and application scoped beans by:

Bean bean = (Bean) getServletContext().getAttribute("beanName");

Regardless of the scope, when you're inside the FacesContext, the normal JSF2 way is using Application#evaluateExpressionGet():

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Bean bean = (Bean) context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{beanName}", Bean.class);

which can be convenienced as follows:

public static <T> T findBean(String beanName, Class<T> beanClass) {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    return beanClass.cast(context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{" + beanName + "}", beanClass);

and can be used as follows:

Bean bean = findBean("bean", Bean.class);

If you're running in a dependency injection capable framework/container, it's even more easy:

private Bean bean;
Thank you, it explains even more than I hoped for.
Konrad Garus
You're welcome.