




I have a GUI with a Menu named file

how do I Add a file open and close function to the program. If the program is in the encrypting mode, it should load/save the cleartext text area. If the program is in decrypting mode, it should load/save the ciphertext area.


Adding file open and close methods to an application is typically a fairly basic concept, so I'm going to assume that developing in Java is a new thing for you. In light of that I'll point you to a Java tutorial for GUI development. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/

Jacob Ewald
I know how to use JFileChooser but I was asking about how to do decrypt and enrypt mode
"how do I Add a file open and close function to the program." <-- That's the only part of your post that resembles a question. The rest sounds like a homework assignment or a business requirement that is up to you to figure out.
Jacob Ewald