
(Scratching away at my rusty memory of Perl...) I think that multiple lexical instances of <*> are treated as independent invokations of glob, whereas in the while loop you are invoking the same "instance" (whatever that means).

Imagine, for instance, if you did this:

while (<*>) { ... }
while (<*>) { ... }

You certainly wouldn't expect those two invocations to interfere with each other.

Marcelo Cantos
They wouldn't interfere because the first invocation would reset after returning undef, according to the documentation.
I would expect separate instances in different scopes, but in the same scope I would expect to invoke the same "instance".
What if there's a conditional `break' in the middle of the first one? At the end of the day, what the Perl interpreter actually does is the "truth".
Marcelo Cantos
Outside of a loop, is there a way to call the first "instance" again?
Sorry @Rob, you're outside my sphere of knowledge now.
Marcelo Cantos
@Rob, no, it's a thing in the optree, not an "object" in the normal perl sense. There's no practical way to get at it. I think I know a way to reify it though -- answer forthcoming :)
+3  A: 

Also from perlop:

A (file)glob evaluates its (embedded) argument only when it is starting a new list.

Calling glob creates a list, which is either returned whole (in list context) or retrieved one element at a time (in scalar context). But each call to glob creates a separate list.

+4  A: 

The following code also seems to create 2 separate instances of the iterator...

for ( 1..3 )
   $filename = <*>;
   print "$filename\n" if defined $filename;
   $filename = <*>;
   print "$filename\n" if defined $filename;

I guess I see the logic there, but it is kind of counter intuitive and contradictory to the documentation. The docs don't mention anything about having to be in a loop for the iteration to work.

+1 Great experiment. This is similar to how the range operator (`..`) behaves, where each use of the operator maintains its own state. Heck if I can find that documented anywhere, though.
+5  A: 

Here's a way to capture the magic of the <> glob operator's state into an object that you can manipulate in a normal sort of way: anonymous subs (and/or closures)!

sub all_files {
    return sub { scalar <*> };

my $iter = all_files();
print $iter->(), "\n";
print $iter->(), "\n";
print $iter->(), "\n";

or perhaps:

sub dir_iterator {
    my $dir = shift;
    return sub { scalar glob("$dir/*") };
my $iter = dir_iterator("/etc");
print $iter->(), "\n";
print $iter->(), "\n";
print $iter->(), "\n";

Then again my inclination is to file this under "curiosity". Ignore this particular oddity of glob() / <> and use opendir/readdir, IO::All/readdir, or File::Glob instead :)

Interesting method and good workaround for capturing the state of the operator. I was wondering how/if that could be done.