



I have built a very simple blog application using Ruby on Rails. New to both Ruby and Rails so excuse the stupid questions.

I currently have two tables that relate to this question. I have a Post table and a Tag table. Basically I set it up such that Post has_many :tags and Tag belongs_to :post. I am using AJAX to process and display the tags in the show view of the post.

I installed the auto_complete plugin and I am getting an error when I enter the letters in the text_field_with_auto_complete for tag creation. My suspicion is this is because the form is a remote_form_for or something I am doing wrong in the routes.rb. Here is the error and code:


Processing PostsController#show (for at 2010-04-13 23:25:46) [GET]
  Parameters: {"tag"=>{"tag_name"=>"f"}, "id"=>"auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name"}
  Post Load (0.1ms)   SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE ("posts"."id" = 0) 

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Post with ID=auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name):
  app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:22:in `show'

Rendered rescues/_trace (26.0ms)
Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (0.2ms)
Rendering rescues/layout (not_found)

remote_form_for located in /views/posts/show.html.erb

<% remote_form_for [@post,] do |f| %>
        <%= f.label :tag_name, "Tag" %><br/>
        <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :tag, :tag_name, {}, {:method => :get} %>
    <p><%= f.submit "Add Comment" %></p>
<% end %>

tags_controller.rb (I'll spare you all the actions but added the following here)

auto_complete_for :tag, :tag_name


  map.resources :posts, :has_many => :comments
  map.resources :posts, :has_many => :tags
  map.resources :tags, :collection => {:auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name => :get }
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Post with ID=auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name):
  app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:22:in `show'

This shows that rails searching "auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name" method in posts controller so either modify routes.rb

map.resources :posts, :collection => {:auto_complete_for_tag_tag_name => :get }


Change remote form so that it should call method   
    instead of  
Tried the routes.rb option and can't seem to get it to work. With respect to your second options, where exactly do I put that? In the <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :tag, :tag_name, {}, {:method => :get} %> code? What is the syntax?
Ah, got it. Had to also ad the auto_complete_for :tag, :tag_name in the posts controller after modifying routs. Thanks so much.