



Does anyone know how best to determine the specific underlying cause of this exception?

Consider a WCF service that is supposed to use Powershell 2.0 remoting to execute MSBuild on remote machines. In both cases the scripting environments are being called in-process (via C# for Powershell and via Powershell for MSBuild), rather than 'shelling-out' - this was a specific design decision to avoid command-line hell as well as to enable passing actual objects into the Powershell script.

An abridged version of the Powershell script that calls MSBuild is shown below:

function Run-MSBuild

    $engine = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine
    $engine.BinPath = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"

    $project = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project($engine, "3.5")
    $project.InitialTargets = "DoStuff"

    # Process the input object
    while ($input.MoveNext())
        # Set MSBuild Properties & Item

    # Optionally setup some loggers (have also tried it without any loggers)
    $consoleLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ConsoleLogger

    $fileLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.FileLogger
    $fileLogger.Parameters = "verbosity=diagnostic"

    # Run the build - this is the line that throws a CmdletInvocationException
    $result = $project.Build()


When running the above script from a PS command prompt it all works fine. However, as soon as the script is executed from C# it fails with the above exception.

The C# code being used to call Powershell is shown below (remoting functionality removed for simplicity's sake):

// Build the DTO object that will be passed to Powershell
dto = SetupDTO()

RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfig))

    IList errors;
    using (var scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace))
        // The Powershell script lives in a file that gets compiled as an embedded resource
        TextReader tr = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("MyScriptResource"));
        string script = tr.ReadToEnd();

        // Load the script into the Runspace

        // Call the function defined in the script, passing the DTO as an input object
        var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("$input | Run-MSBuild", dto, out errors);

NOTE: The overload of the Invoke() method allows you to pass in an IEnumerable object and it takes care of instantiating an enumerator to in the Powershell variable '$input' - this then gets passed into the script via the pipeline. Here are some supporting links:

Assuming that the issue was related to MSBuild outputting something that the Powershell runspace can't cope with, I have also tried the following variations to the second .Invoke() call:

var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("$input | Run-MSBuild | Out-String", dto, out errors);
var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("$input | Run-MSBuild | Out-Null", dto, out errors);
var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("Run-MSBuild | Out-String");
var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("Run-MSBuild | Out-String");
var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("Run-MSBuild | Out-Null");
var psResults = scriptInvoker.Invoke("Run-MSBuild");

Note how the underlying issue still occurs irrespective of whether an input object is used.

I've also looked at using a custom PSHost (based on this sample:, but during debugging I was unable to see any 'interesting' calls to it being made.

Do the great and the good of Stackoverflow have any insight that might save my sanity?

+2  A: 

I can get the following code to work but I get a warning that MSBUILD engine wants to be run on a STA thread. Unfortunately the thread created by the PowerShell engine to execute the script is MTA. That said, my little sample works:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Collections;

namespace RunspaceInvokeExp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var script = @"
function Run-MSBuild 

    $engine = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine 
    $engine.BinPath = ""C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"" 

    $project = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project($engine, ""3.5"") 
    $project.InitialTargets = ""DoStuff"" 

    # Process the input object 
    while ($input.MoveNext()) 
        # Set MSBuild Properties & Item 

    # Optionally setup some loggers (have also tried it without any loggers) 
    $consoleLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ConsoleLogger 

    $fileLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.FileLogger 
    $fileLogger.Parameters = ""verbosity=diagnostic"" 

    # Run the build - this is the line that throws a CmdletInvocationException 
    $result = $project.Build() 

            using (var invoker = new RunspaceInvoke())
                IList errors;
                Collection<PSObject> results = invoker.Invoke(@"$input | Run-MSBuild", new[] {0}, out errors);
                Array.ForEach<PSObject>(results.ToArray(), Console.WriteLine);

Which line of your C# code fails? Also, can you post some of the specifics from the exception. You can work around the MTA thread issue by doing something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;

namespace RunspaceInvokeExp
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var script = @"
function Run-MSBuild 

    $engine = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine 
    $engine.BinPath = ""C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"" 

    $project = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Project($engine, ""3.5"") 
    $project.InitialTargets = ""DoStuff"" 

    # Process the input object 
    while ($input.MoveNext()) 
        # Set MSBuild Properties & Item 

    # Optionally setup some loggers (have also tried it without any loggers) 
    $consoleLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ConsoleLogger 

    $fileLogger = New-Object Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.FileLogger 
    $fileLogger.Parameters = ""verbosity=diagnostic"" 

    # Run the build - this is the line that throws a CmdletInvocationException 
    $result = $project.Build() 



            Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();
            Runspace.DefaultRunspace = runspace;

            EngineIntrinsics engine = runspace.SessionStateProxy.
                GetVariable("ExecutionContext") as EngineIntrinsics;
            ScriptBlock scriptblock = 
            Collection<PSObject> results = scriptblock.Invoke(new[] { 0 });
            Array.ForEach<PSObject>(results.ToArray(), Console.WriteLine);

            runspace.Close(); // Really should be in a finally block
Keith Hill
Hi Keith, thanks for taking the time. I've updated the sample to illustrate how the input object is used within the script, however, I should point out that the Exception occurs even when not using the input object.
Thanks for the STA tip, I'd seen that warning before when hosting MSBuild inside Windows Installer and wondered how you might go about resolving it!I too could get your sample to work (mine too, ironically!). I'm beginning to think this whole question is a non-issue, resulting from my thrashing on various aspects of this. After getting the sample working, I revisited my actual script and found a rogue Write-Host that I must have forgotten to remove after earlier troubleshooting - DOH! Anyway, I'll accept your answer - many thanks for your efforts.