



A call to getLocationOnScreen() or getLocationInWindow() both give me a top/Y coordinate that is about ~30px (status/notifications bar's height) too far down. The left/X coordinate is dead on.

As I hinted above, I believe the difference is because of the status/notification bar... I could be wrong. I think I can solve this if I can determine the size of the notification bar but, I'm having trouble doing just that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I am having the same problem, try using

offset = myView.GetOffsetY();

and adjust your Y coord by that value, e.g.

coordY -= offset;

I don't see "getOffsetY()". What class is that a method of?
I am sorry, I failed to post the method, in class MyView extends View { public int GetOffsetY() { int mOffset[] = new int[2]; getLocationOnScreen( mOffset ); return mOffset[1]; }

I ended up solving this issue by determining the height of the status/notification bar like so:

View globalView = ...; // the main view of my activity/application

DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
int topOffset = dm.heightPixels - globalView.getMeasuredHeight();

View tempView = ...; // the view you'd like to locate
int[] loc = new int[2]; 

final int y = loc[1] - topOffset;

If I've made a typo, I apologize... I just typed it in...

Hope that helps someone!
