




I'm developing a web app for Firefox that has a button that triggers a client-side XSLT transformation of the document's DOM, with a stylesheet fetched via AJAX.

Here's a portion of the XHTML that's going to be transformed:

    <title>Static Javascript-based XMR Form Creator</title>
    <h1 id="title">Static Javascript-based XMR Form Creator</h1>

    <div class="opt_block" id="main_opts">
        Form name <input type="text" id="form_name" />
        Form cols <input type="text" id="form_cols" size="3" maxlength="3" />
    <button id="generate">Generate source</button>
    <textarea rows="20" cols="50" id="xmr_source" ></textarea>

Inside the stylesheet, I want to access the value attribute of the first input field, the one with id form_name.

The XSLT looks like this:

<xsl:template match="/html/body/div[@id = 'main_opts']" >
        <xsl:attribute name="fname">
            <xsl:value-of select="input[@id = 'form_name']/@value" />

I apply the XSLT on the current document, like so:

var processor = new XSLTProcessor();
processor.importStylesheet(data); // data received via AJAX request
// document is obviously the object representing the current DOM
var result = processor.transformToDocument(document);

The problem is that the XPath that should do the work:

<xsl:value-of select="input[@id = 'form_name']/@value" />

returns nothing, whereas inspecting the DOM via Firebug shows the input element's value property does have a value.

Can anyone help?

EDIT: made clear that the XSLT is applied to the current document


try referencing the input with a slash or dot dot slash

<xsl:value-of select="/input[@id = 'form_name']/@value" />
<xsl:value-of select="../input[@id = 'form_name']/@value" />
Sorry, but that doesn't seem to be the problem
+1  A: 

One obvious problem:

<xsl:value-of select="input[@id = 'form_name']/@value" />

This must output the value of the @value attribute of the input child of the vurrent node.

However, in the provided XML document, the input child of the element matched by the template, doesn't have a @value attribute:

   Form name <input type="text" id="form_name" />  

The only two attributes this input element has are type and id.

Solution: Add a value attribute to the input element and (given everything else in the XSLT code works OK), the value of this attribute should be output.

For example use:

   Form name <input type="text" id="form_name" value="XXXXX" />  
Dimitre Novatchev
But the `value` attribute of an `input` element specifies its *initial* value. I, OTOH, want to get its current one.If i query the DOM for the whole `input` element, instead of just its `@value`, in Javascript and then get its value property, everything works, which means that the DOM representation of that element *does* hold its current value in the `value` property. So why doesn't it work with pure XPath?
Also, if I do as you say, all I get is the `input` element's initial value, instead of the current one.
@asymmetric: XPath doesn't know anything about how a browser handles the HTML DOM. What you want cannot be achieved by evaluating an XPath expression, unless the *current* XML Document (DOM) is provided to the XPath engine.
Dimitre Novatchev
That's exactly what I'm doing :)I process the `document` DOM object passing it as an argument to the `XSLTProcessor.transformToDocument` method.