



I have installed ibrowser plugin. Do every thing in here and here

Addin javascript as below:

<script type="text/javascript">


theme : "advanced",
mode : "textareas",
plugins : "ibrowser",
theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "ibrowser"


function toggleEditor(id) {
  if (!tinyMCE.get(id))
  tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", false, id);
  tinyMCE.execCommand("mceRemoveControl", false, id);

but nothing happens when ibrowser icon is clicked.(already with "var ib = null;" ) Any idea for solving the problem? Thanks in advance


Hi jasmine.

I have used TinyMCE for nearly two years, and i use its own plugins for handling files and images (MCFileManager / MCImageManager).

I did some testing with iBrowser, and some versions work with Firefox 2 and older but not Firefox 3, others don't work with Internet Explorer or Safari. So from this i can say that iBrowser has big Javascript cross-browser issues, so i don't recommend using it at all, until the developer as release a new version that works with all major browsers.

My suggestion is to use MCFileManager or MCImageManager both developed by the same team that developed TinyMCE, unfortunately they come at a price.

But probably you don't want to pay a license to use neither of them, so try using TinyMCE Ajax File Manager, has loots of features like the original plugins for TinyMCE.

To see a demo working go here and try inserting a image, you will see a button alt text right next to the Image Url textfield

Some of the features of TinyMCE Ajax File Manager:

  • Multiple Javascript Editors supported, such as Tinymce and FCKeditor.
  • Fully employ AJAX & PHP to function file management.
  • Faster to load and avoid reloading the whole window.
  • A Build-In Advanced Image Editor
  • Multi-language supported (utf-8)
  • Access control supported
  • Fully customizable, create your own theme
  • Text Editable
  • Media Previewable (Movies, Musics)

Try it.. See if it fits your needs.

Good luck.

Fábio Antunes