



My goal is to let the user click on a specific location on a map to add a Placemark, and then edit the placemark by click its icon (change its name, move it around, etc). I am using a PictureBox to show the map, and by registering the MouseDoubleClick event I am drawing an Image on the map with GDI+ DrawImage() method. The problem is that after the placemark's Image was drawn, it does not editable: the user cant click the icon and move it around, change its name etc. Is there any other design pattern I can follow? maybe using other controls... ?


You need to have a concept of layering the items. When you place that icon on the image, you need to store its coordinates/size in an array. If the user clicks the icon, you can detect its location based on the stored coordinates and then allow the user to select/move it around, redrawing the image as they do this, based on your main background image + the layered array of icons.


You can have a list of objects that each of them is a placemark in your screen. these objects have at least 2 properties X and Y and a method public bool Contain(int x, int y) that say you this object contains this point or no.

 public class placemark
      public int X;
      public int Y;

      public bool Contain(int x, int y)
           // some logic here
           return true;

When user clicks on the screen, by a foreach loop check that each object contains the mouse position to find the object that user wants to select it.

 foreach(var placemark in placeMarkList)
      if (placemark.Contain(e.x,e.y))

So you can change the properties X and Y of that object and Invalidate() Picturebox.

Navid Farhadi