




Here is my test page (dont mind the layout right now)


i found something weird. if you click back and forth between tab 1 and tab 2, its fine.

if you click tab 3, and got to another tab, the content dissapears... and i can not figure out why???

I am boggled, and can not figure out why it does this.... is it a display:hide element in the CSS?

here is a link to the CSS file: https://www.bcidaho.com/css/employer.css

here is a link to the javascript files that i use: https://www.bcidaho.com/js/ui.toggle-employers.js https://www.bcidaho.com/js/tabbed-menu3.js


The way I see you are setting display for these tabs is via:

tab1: <div class="current"..
tab2: <div class="tab "..
tab3: <div class="tab "..

When you click on tab 2 it changes to

tab1: <div class="tab"..
tab2: <div class="tab current" ...
tab3: <div class="tab" ...

When you click back on tab 1 it changes to

tab1: <div class="tab current "...
tab2: <div class="tab" ...
tab3: <div class="tab" ...

But when you click on tab 3 I see:

tab1: <div clas="tab" ...
tab2: <div class="tab" ...
tab3: <div class="tab" ...

So I suspect that what is going on is that you need to make sure that when tab three i clicked that the "current" class is removed from the prior current class and then "added" to tab 3:

dumb question, but how would i do that? i think you are right...
tony noriega
and i use this set up on another page with 5 tabs, and it works fine... this is freaking killing me.
tony noriega
I think something is going wrong with the part of the code that has the **.parent().parent()...** If I were you I would add **id attributes** to those bits and then select for via id selector **$('#idname')...**
check this... when just strip all of teh content out of the TABS, and just put in the text ONE in tab 1, and TWO in tab 2, and THREE in tab 3, it works fine... WTF?!?! could it be an unclosed div somewhere thats not setting the DIV to "tab current" somehow?
tony noriega
If it's worked before, then that's probably it.
damn it... it was a freaking unclosed tag in the content.sorry to be sucha noob.
tony noriega