



a bit confused as to how my XML config file would change when switching over to Signals. Right now the 3 framework Commands I am using are defined as follows. Both ViewChangedCommand and the InitViewCommand are mapped to custom events.

<type name='app.controller::StartupCommand'> 
    <field name='dataService'/> 
<type name='app.controller::ViewChangedCommand'> 
    <field name='event'/> 
    <field name='model'/> 
<type name='app.controller::InitViewCommand'> 
    <field name='model'/> 

can't say for sure about the XML config, but here's how to do it in code:

you have to use a SignalContext instead of the normal Context. This can be done using this library :

in the context, inject a singleton of the Signal, as if it was part of the model, like so :


then map the signal to a command, like so :

signalCommandMap.mapSignalClass(DataLoadSignal, DataLoadCommand, false);

for the xml config, I guess you only have to inject the signal, and the rest should be fairly easy.

Benoit Jadinon