




hi all.

I' m having an issue with fullCalendar. I created a script that, adds an event to fullCalendar, along a day range, and set a unique id in order to have this event recur.

let say for example that i have a recuring event from 1/1/10 till 10/1/10. i create 10 single event Objects with the same id, and place then on fullCalendar.

my question is, that i want to exclude a single day over this recuring event. (for example 3/1/10).

i found out, that if i remove that particural event from the sources table and then update the event its fine. but how can i get on runtime the actucal index of this eventObj on sources table?

Note that, i add the events on the fullCalendar using the .fullCalendar("renderEvent") method.
