Using IBM Rational ClearCase: - I have only access to Snapshot Views so NO dynamic Views
I want to copy ALL versions from a certain changeset to c:\temp. I have already listed the changeset versions in a file (couple of hundred of versions, I only need the latest one), I do not have a baseline over this older set.
What I now have and does not work:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$filename = "Design test123.doc";
$view = "D:\\AdminViews\\ABC_R1_READ_2\\ABCD002\\ABC_DESIGN\\BLA Framework\\P0\\";
$version = "\\main\\ABC_R1_READ\\1";
$printhet = 'cleartool find . -name "' . $filename . '" -version version(' . $version. ') -exec "cmd /c copy %CLEARCASE_XPN% D:\temp\%CLEARCASE_PN%"';
Basically because: (XPN)
update: I read again and I see that a diff with an empty file is the /hack for having no XPN. ok... but a diff with empty and a doc in the above gives me "0"