



Does html5 allow me to do secure streaming video? And by this, I mean token authentication. I want to be able to stream media only to those people who are authorised to view it.

I can do this currently with Flash Media Server hosted by Akamai - they have a custom mechanism where I send them a token as part of the player connection handshake. Does html5 allow for this, and has anyone implemented this with a hosting service such as Akamai?

Thanks Matt

+2  A: 

Assuming you mean that users have to be logged on and allowed to view a particular piece of content then html5 by itself does not do this.

One way is to have the server check details before serving the video, the easiest being a script (php/etc.) that checks if a user is allowed and then streams the file to the user.

The "token" for HTML5 videos would be an HTTP cookie.
You could also just use normal HTTP Authentication via the web server.

HTTP Digest is highly secure, and you should want to think about using it anyway over cookies, unless slick UI is really important to you. HTML does not have authentication because that is the role of lower levels, like HTTP.

Nicholas Wilson

You could save a cookie with the user autorization, and when the browser requests the video, you check if the user has autorization using php.

Just put the video url to a .php page that sends a video mimetype, if the user is not autorized, just send a video explaning it.
