



What are in your opinion the "must have" Visual Studio 2010 extensions?

OData Protocol Visualizer is fine

Solid Softfare Xplorer isn't free, but looks very nice

+7  A: 

Resharper 5.0 is the one I must have. Some others are nice to have as well.

Brendan Enrick
+2  A: 

Matt's Visual Studio Color Theme Editor is proving to be really popular (over 10,000 downloads as of 4/18/10).

I've written a couple that are popular; Go To Definition is one of the most popular. If you do a search for my name ("Noah Richards"), you'll find some of the others (triple click to select whole lines, italicize comments, spell checking for strings and comments, and about 7 others).

There's at least one other spell check extension on the gallery, the HTML Spell Checker. It's more mature than the one I wrote but requires Office to work.

Noah Richards
+1 For Go To Definition and Theme Editor
+2  A: 

Mine are

+1 for PowerCommands
+6  A: 

I like the Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools.

Adam Driscoll
Agreed. A nice addition.
This adds a new Add References dialog that save an insane amount of time.
Jonathan Allen
It will really be great the day they decide to stop overwriting all the configuration at each updates.
+1  A: 

I have found the snippets to be useful for various tasks along the way, and so this is a good way to smooth out the maintenance of such snippets:

Snippet Designer

Description Adapted from the website:

  • A Snippet editor integrated inside of the IDE.
    • Opening any .snippet file
    • Uses the native Visual Studio code editor
    • Mark replacements with a convenient right click menu.
    • Snippet properties inside the Visual Studio properties window.
  • A Snippet Explorer tool
    • A right Click "Export as Snippet" menu option added to C#, VB and XML code editor to send highlighted code directly to the Snippet Editor

Update As pointed out below by Jonathan Allen, this functionality already exists in Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools. Adding this extension, then, would be redundant if you already have that.

There are many ways to solve the posting of formatted code, but I liked the integrated nature of this extension and how you can tweak the resulting HTML:


Description From Linked Page:

Code4Blog is a Visual Studio 2010 extension that allows to convert any code supported by Visual Studio IDE to HTML format with the same structure and colors. Main purpose of this extension is to prepare a code snippet to be published in rich documents, for example in blog posts, Microsoft Word documents or Help files. Some additional styling could be applied: max width and height of the code block, custom background (per code line), font family and font size, line numbering and others.

Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools does it in a better way. When you use the normal copy command it stores the code as both HTML and plain text in the copy buffer. Then when you hit paste the target application decides which it prefers.
Jonathan Allen
Thanks Jonathan, I had missed that in the features, but it does work just as one would expect. Documentation also says that customization settings are pending...which would be great.
+1  A: 

I love the Win7 Taskbar Extension, especiall when working with multiple solutions.

Jonathan Allen

Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 is a must have for WPF developers.

Jonathan Allen

Refactor is a must-have for me. CodeRush is also nice, though one of these years I need to seriously compare it to Resharper. I think most people stick with whichever they first use, as they both take a lot of time to learn.

Jonathan Allen
+2  A: 

When using SVN

Visual SVN

saves a lot of time and it is very handy.

I use this and is invaluable if you live in an SVN world and cannot escape. Alas, it is not free.
May not free but not very expensive. It's worth IMHO
I briefly tried this out, but actually found AnkhSVN better (and free, too).

Can I put a plug in for my own extension? :)

PowerGUI Visual Studio Extension - Add PowerShell support to VS2010

Adam Driscoll

I'm using Visual Nunit which is rather nice if you don't have the money to stump up for something like ReSharper. It's only feature (as far as I'm aware) is to allow running nunit tests from within the IDE, which is nice becuase it means you don't have to revert to Nunit GUI every time you want to run some of your unit tests. Also seems pretty stable as of version 1.1.7.

A. Murray