



I'm working on a fairly large site and am having trouble managing z-indexes. Is there a Firefox add-on that will look at a page and give me an ordered list of every element with a z-index declared? That would save a ton of times for the cases where a z-index was wrong or hard to find.

+2  A: 

You find it here

How do I examine a list of elements with z-indexes using Web Developer?
There usually is a web developer toolbar, click Information, then display Element information, a little red box will appear around the element you are hovering, click it and a little yellow box will appear in the top left corner with all the attribute that element carries. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F.
Kyle Sevenoaks
ALso, in the same information dorpdown, click "Display stack levels".
Kyle Sevenoaks
Awesome! "Display stack levels" was exactly what I was looking for.
It's a great tool, I use it allll the time, It's automatic for me to fire up the site I Work on and hit ctrl+shif+f straight away! Glad it helped you.
Kyle Sevenoaks

I would suggest that you use FireBug You can examine you whole dom including z-indexes.

Use a little javascript to help you find all elements with z-indexes: 1. load jquery 2. insert this javascript:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
//replacethis by the elemets that could have a z index ('div, span, etc..')
 if ($(this).css('z-index')) {
  var zindex = $(this).css('z-index')
  if (window.console) {
   console.log($(this), zindex)
   $(this).css('border', '1px solid red').prepend('<strong>' + zindex +'</strong>')


if your the firebug console is not loaded it will give a red border to all the elements with a z-index and perpend the z-index value to the box.

I do use FireBug, but it doesn't have a view that shows only elements that have declared z-indexes right?
thats right yeah, but by clicking on the element you can see if there is a z-index or not. Use firebug and use a little javascript that helps you find all elements with z indexes:1. load jquery2. insert this javascript:<script type="text/javascript">//replacethis by the elemets that could have a z index ('div, span, etc..')$('replacethis').each(function(){ if ($(this).css('z-index')) { console.log($(this))}})</script>make sure your firebug console is on