




Possible Duplicate:
PHP: Script for generating Crossword game?

Does anyone know any PHP-based simple Crossword Creator API?

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

Googling for crossword + php yielded

as the first link.

If that one doesn't fulfill your needs, then please provide more information about what you are looking for in a Crossword Creator/Framework/API.

I was about to post the same link, but then I also noticed [this duplicate question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/955033/php-script-for-generating-crossword-game) in the Google results. You might to manually migrate your answer there, in the case that this one gets closed :)
Jørn Schou-Rode
@Jørn the duplicate is actually a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/943113/algorithm-to-generate-a-crossword and both are much more generic in question, so I don't think the answer would fit there.
I am not sure I agree. I think this question is a duplicate of 955033 (which explicitly asks for a PHP script), while I consider 943113 is a seperate, more conceptual, question. Hence, I find that you answer would be appropriate for 955033, but I neither have intention nor instruments to force you to cross-post it :)
Jørn Schou-Rode
@Jørn am too lazy :) feel free to add the link yourself to where you feel it is appropriate.
@gordon thanks for the help, that's what i need.I don't know if my question is an duplicate or not. But i know if I come to stackoverflow, i will be getting answers! Thanks SOF. ;)@Jørn for your kind words :).