I'm working on an app that takes data from our DB and outputs an xml file using the FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS on the end of the generated query, followed by an XSLT to transform it the way we want. However in a particular case where we are generating some data using an sql scalar function, it always puts that element into a sub-table node named the same as the table node it's already in (so say it's a table xyz, it'd be print("<xyz><node1></node1><xyz><generated-node-from-function></generated-node-from-function></xyz>");
No matter what I try (even directly manipulating a copy of the sql as generated by the app) it always seems to create this extra node layer, which causes problems later when we try to process this xml to extract the data later. Is there any particular property causing the xml generator in sql server to work this way, and is there any way to prevent it so I can keep the generated data node on the same level as the rest of the data for the table it's associated with?
Edit: renamed columns/tables in some cases but otherwise should be the same sql.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT column1,column2,column3,iduser,jstart,jstop,jbatchperiod,jinactive,processed,column4,lock,column5,batchticketmicr,machineid,sjobopex,szopexrefid,jreceived,jstartopex,jstopopex,idspecialmicr,idp2batchoriginal,stateflags,bcrossrefid,bidentifier1,bidentifier2,bidentifier3,bidentifier4,bidentifier5,idexport,idimport,rsahash FROM table1) table1
LEFT JOIN (SELECT column21,ienvelope,isort,column1,idtemplate,processed,column4,lock,envelopetypecode,szqueuesvisitedunique,exportdate,jcompleted,status,ipriority,idbankaccount,iprioritybeforerzbump,fstoredrecondata,cscountyid,column10,column11,checkbox1,checkbox2,column12,column13,column14,xxxempfein,column15,column16,originalenvelopeid,column17,column18,xxxoag,trackingnumber,csldc,ecrossrefid,postmark,routingflags,eidentifier1,eidentifier2,eidentifier3,eidentifier4,eidentifier5,idexport FROM envelope) envelope ON table1.column1=Envelope.column1
LEFT JOIN (SELECT column21,column22,isort,column23,processed,side,pagetypecode,rawmicrline,rawscanline,rawbarcode,exportid,szlocandconf,szlocandconfpagefields,idformtemplate,szparms,rawmarksense,audittrail,audittrailelectronic,pixheight,pixwidth,ocrattemptcounter,idspecialmicr,idpageexception,pagemodifierflags,column10,csldc,rejectdate,rejectuser,rejectqueue,fsupervisorreject,xxxempno,xxxtraceno,xxxemplcnt,checkbox1,keyword,templatealtered,templateflags,pidentifier1,pidentifier2,pidentifier3,pidentifier4,pidentifier5,isscanlinevalid,idexport,clickcount FROM Table2) Table2 ON Envelope.column21=Page.column21
LEFT JOIN (select column22, column21, dbo.Fileimagepath(column21, column22) as path from Table2) Fileimg ON Table2.column21=FileImg.column21 AND Table2.column22=FileImg.column22
WHERE Envelope.column21 = 8
Another edit: basically FileImg's results are getting wrapped in an extra set of Table2 tags inside existing table2 tab with the rest of the data.
Yet another Edit: Testing against another database with the same sql it worked correctly, it appears there is a bad setting in my database or the stored proc is different goes to investigate farther.
If that doesn't work I'll try some of the other suggestions above, thanks for the help so far :)