




I want to secure execution of a program with a password.

How do i do that in bash ?

Thank you

+3  A: 
stty_orig=`stty -g` # save original terminal setting.
stty -echo          # turn-off echoing.
read passwd         # read the password
stty $stty_orig     # restore terminal setting.
+1  A: 

What exactly do you mean?

A bash script runs with the privileges of the caller. What you want is more likely done by the sudo command.


Andrew J. Brehm
+2  A: 

This read var pwd from stdin (echo disabled):

read -s  -p Password: pwd
Jürgen Hötzel
+3  A: 

If you need to grab a passwd to supply as a paramter to a program, then unicorns advice to just turn off the echo is good.
Having a passwd check in the script doesn't work - if the user can execute the bash script they also have permission to read it and see the passwd.

If you want to only allow people with a passwd to run a program then the secure way is to create a new user account that owns the program and have a script that uses 'sudo' to run the program as that user - it will prompt for the users passwd in a secure way.

Martin Beckett
One might precompute the checksum of the password and store *it* in the script instead of the plaintext and test the checksum of the input against that. It can still be broken, though, but less easily.
Dennis Williamson
In which case you just simply copy the script to somewhere you have write permission, and remove the check.
Martin Beckett