Good day all.
I'm running into a bit of a problem getting a script running on my production environment, even though it works just fine on my dev box. I've verified that all the requisite gems and such are the same version.
I should mention that the script is intended to be run with the script/runner command.
Here is a super-condensed version of what I'm trying to do, centered around the part that's broken:
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
deal = Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime,, 1])
return deal
markets = Market.find(all)
markets.each do |market|
deal = market.currentDeal
puts deal.subject
Now convertToTimeZone is a method attached to the model. So, this code works just fine on my dev machine, as stated. However, attempting to run it on my production machine results in:
undefined method `subject' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
If, however, I go into the console on the production box and do this:
def currentDeal
marketTime = self.convertToTimeZone(
deal = Deal.find(:first, :conditions => ["start_time ? AND market_id = ? AND published = ?", marketTime, marketTime,, 1])
return deal
market = Market.find(1)
deal = market.currentDeal
puts deal.subject
It returns the correct value, no problem. So what is going on?
This is on rails v 2.3.5, on both machines.
Thanks for any help