



Hello everyone,

Basically, we have an ASP website right now that I'm converting to PHP. We're still using the MSSQL server for the DB -- it's not moving.

In the ASP, now, there's an include file with a giant sql query that's being executed. This include sits on a lot of pages and this is a simple version of what happens. Pages A, B and C all use this include file to return a listing.

In ASP, Page A passes through variable A to the include file - page B passes through variable B -- page C passes through variable C, and so on.

The include file builds the SQL query like this:

sql = "SELECT * from table_one LEFT OUTER JOIN table_two ON ="

then adds (remember, ASP), based on the variable passed through from the parent page,

Select Case sType
Case "A"
sql = sql & "WHERE LOWER(column_a) <> 'no' AND LTRIM(ISNULL(column_b),'') <> '' ORDER BY column_a
Case "B"
sql = sql & "WHERE LOWER(column_c) <> 'no' ORDER BY lastname, firstname
Case "C"
sql = sql & "WHERE LOWER(column_f) <> 'no' OR LOWER(column_g) <> 'no' ORDER BY column_g

As you notice, every string that's added on as the second part of the sql query is different than the previous; not just one variable can be substituted out, which is what has me stumped.

How do I translate this case / switch into the stored procedure, based on the varchar input that I pass to the stored procedure via PHP?

This stored procedure will actually handle a query listing for about 20 pages, so it's a hefty one and this is my first major complicated one. I'm getting there, though! I'm also just more used to MySQL, too. Not that they're that different. :P

Thank you very much for your help in advance.


+1  A: 

You'll need to do dynamic SQL in the stored proc. This link will help you out:

Ironically enough I had just found that page right before you posted this. Thank you so much!
+1  A: 

How do I translate this case / switch into the stored procedure, based on the varchar input that I pass to the stored procedure via PHP?

In SQL Server, the CASE expression is not for control-of-flow like IF/ELSE.


    SET @SQL = N'SELECT ...'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + CASE sType
                        WHEN 'A' THEN ' WHERE ... '
                        WHEN 'B' THEN ' WHERE ... '
                        WHEN 'C' THEN ' WHERE ... '
                        ELSE ' '

  EXEC sp_executesql @SQL


Lest we forget the ominous tale of Little Bobby Tables, best to read The curse and blessings of Dynamic SQL.

OMG Ponies
haha. That Dynamic SQL page is mighty long, but I'll read what I can. I definitely know the dangers of injection, so I appreciate it.Also, you totally win for not only the printed out code, here, but an XKCD comic. Thank you.