



I'm on a shared host (yes, non ideal...but cheap!) and setting up gems for my rails app, and can't figure out why the gems are unavailable from ruby scripts (probably doing something stupid!)

Env. variables: GEM_PATH = /home/myhome/ruby/gems:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/ GEM_HOME = /home/myhome/ruby/gems PATH = /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/home/myhome/ruby/gems/bin:/home/myhome/ruby/gems/

Install seems to work fine into ~HOME/ruby/gems, and when I gem list -local they show up.

gem list --local paperclip ( thin (1.2.7) etc...

...but then, either ruby -e 'require "paperclip"' or irb(main):001:0> require "paperclip" LoadError: no such file to load -- thin or server/start

I can't seem to find the gems.

even if I prepend Gem.path.push("/home/myhome/ruby/gems") I still get the issue.

(whereas require "active_record", located in the system gem directory, is fine...)

any wisdom?