Is it possible to have the Doctrine Collection INDEXBY feature used in RawSql? If so, how?
I'd like to index the collection returned by the following query on s.constant_name
$q = new Doctrine_RawSql();
$q->select('{s.*}, {us.*}')
->from('User u
CROSS JOIN Setting s
LEFT JOIN User_Setting us
ON us.usr_auto_key = u.usr_auto_key
AND us.set_auto_key = s.set_auto_key')
->addComponent('us', 'User_Setting us')
->addComponent('u', 'us.User u')
->addComponent('s', 'us.Setting s')
->where('s.sct_auto_key = ? AND u.usr_auto_key = ?',array(SETTING_USER, $this->usr_auto_key));