I was testing with '.' as the're testing with some other directory. The names read from the directory are then checked relative to the current directory. If I use some other directory name, I'll get almost everything except '.' and '..' listed as files, regardless.
If you prefix the name with the value of $ARGV[0], you'll get the expected result:
#!/bin/perl -w
use strict;
if ($ARGV[1]) {
die("Error: You can only monitor one directory at a time\n");
my $directory = $ARGV[0] || die "Error: No directory defined\n";
opendir(DIR, $directory) || die "Error: Can't open dir $directory: $!";
my @contents = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $item(@contents) {
next if -d "$ARGV[0]/$item";
print "$ARGV[0]/$item is a file\n";
closedir (DIR);
Previous attempts to explain
This works on MacOS X:
#!/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @contents = <*>;
foreach my $item (@contents)
print "== $item\n";
next if -d $item;
print "$item is a file\n";
MiniMac JL: perl -c syntax OK
MiniMac JL: perl
== cproto-4.7g
== fpqsort1
fpqsort1 is a file
== fpqsort1.h
fpqsort1.h is a file
== fpqsort2
fpqsort2 is a file
== fpqsort2.c
fpqsort2.c is a file
== gcc-predef.h
gcc-predef.h is a file
== git-
== go
== makefile
makefile is a file
== qs-test1.c
qs-test1.c is a file
== qs-test2.c
qs-test2.c is a file
== RCS
== rep-report.txt
rep-report.txt is a file
== select.c
select.c is a file
== soq
== is a file
MiniMac JL:
Given a marginally modified version of the code in the question:
#!/bin/perl -w
use strict;
if ($ARGV[1]) {
die("Error: You can only monitor one directory at a time\n");
my $directory = $ARGV[0] || die "Error: No directory defined\n";
opendir(DIR, $directory) || die "Error: Can't open dir $directory: $!";
my @contents = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $item(@contents) {
print "<<$item>>\n";
next if -d $item;
print"$item is a file\n";
closedir (DIR);
Running it on the same directory as before, I get the output:
Minimac JL: perl .
fpqsort1 is a file
fpqsort1.h is a file
fpqsort2 is a file
fpqsort2.c is a file
gcc-predef.h is a file
makefile is a file
qs-test1.c is a file
qs-test2.c is a file
rep-report.txt is a file
select.c is a file
<<>> is a file
<<>> is a file
Minimac JL:
Note the Perlish idiom 'next if -d $item;
'. Also note the debugging techniques: print the names as they go through the array - using the '<<' and '>>' to surround the name helps identify odd side effects (such as newlines in names). I did double check that the provided code produces the same result - it does. And I'm running on a MacOS X 10.6.3 with the stock Perl.