I've been reading over the perl doc, but I can't quite get my head around hashes. I'm trying to find if a hash key exists, and if so, compare its value. The thing that is confusing me is that my searches say that you find if a key exists by if (exists $files{$key})
, but that $files{$key}
also gives the value? the code I'm working on is:
foreach my $item(@new_contents) {
next if !-f "$directory/$item";
my $date_modified = (stat("$directory/$item"))[9];
if (exists $files{$item}) {
if ($files{$item} != $date_modified {
$files{$item} = $date_modified;
print "$item has been modified\n";
} else {
$files{$item} = $date_modified;
print "$item has been added\n";