



Is there a way that I can run a ASP.NET MVC Project on shared web hosting?

+2  A: 

Can't you just set the MVC references to copy local (bin deployment)? Or are you having other troubles like with their trust levels.

Simplest solution is to switch hosting providers :)


Can you suggest another hosting provider?

mr mo
This belongs as a comment or an edit to your question, not as an answer.
Geoffrey Chetwood
+10  A: 

As long as they support ASP.NET 3.5, you can follow the instructions here to bin deploy your MVC application.

+54  A: 

As a developer who has deployed an MVC project on GoDaddy's ASP.NET shared hosting, I can tell you with certainty that you can do this, and it's quite easy.

  1. First, make sure that you've gotten a GoDaddy windows hosting plan (they sell both Linux and Windows plans).
  2. Next, make sure that you've set the hosting account to use ASP 2.0/3.0/3.5 (this is enabled by default AFAIK -- but you need to make sure it's set to this if you've changed it in the past). You set this by clicking 'Manage Account' / Content / IIS Settings.
  3. Next, make sure your MVC project is set to copy the MVC .dll's to your bin directory. ASP.NET MVC (as of the beta) now puts these assemblies in the GAC by default. You'll need to change this for your project. Information on how to do this is on Phil Haack's website, here.
  4. Last, just publish your site and upload.

It really should be that easy. Please leave a comment if you have any issues.

Dan Esparza
I had to also upgrade to IIS 7 and turn on integrated pipeline (as opposed to classic) found here
Thanks for the tip!
Dan Esparza
Does this apply equally to ASP.NET MVC version 2?
Drew Noakes
I found this support article that may be useful, how to change the pipeline mode in Godaddy's control panel:

I did these instructions but now I have a routing problem. I played with the code in Global.asax but no luck. Did you guys have a problem like that?


I as well am having the routing issue. I have tried most of the tricks that have been posted. Godaddy I know isn't the best, but I know and have seen mvc sites working there. My home page works, but any url that I go to out side of that doesn't get routed, such as my about page. It just says page not found. Any ideas are welcome please...


Please check other SO thread which gives solution about it...

You can check it live at

Here we are using Godaddy Shared account. I have followed steps given by PashaMelnik.

One more thing... Please change <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880"/> in web.config to <forms loginUrl="~/Account.aspx/LogOn" timeout="2880"/> to reflect the above changes.

You also need to enable set Copy Local to true in System.Web.MVC ( can be found in your References section ) Properties.


Dan -- thanks for that great answer. Worked like a charm and was quite easy, just as you said.

John Lockwood

I have spend quite some time on this. It does not work, read my article here:

David Pirek

I have been experiencing this error: Unable to create the Web site ''. The Web server does not appear to have FrontPage Server Extensions installed.

When I go to godaddy they say that front page is not compatible with IIS7.

Any ideas?

Thank you, Gordon

You're better off asking this as a new question.
Drew Noakes

I had an issue because when I logged into FTP, it was actually taking me to a subfolder instead of the root. Make sure your files are copied to the root and delete the default godaddy welcome page.

Also select Copy Local = True (References | Properties) for:

  • System.Web.Abstrations
  • System.Web.MVC
  • System.Web.Routing
Craig Howard