



I'd like to use unicode symbols within my website (especially Dingbats).

Is there any way to enable this inside all (or at least some) browsers in Windows XP, without having the user to adjust any of his settings?
I use the HTML5 doctype with the charset configured to UTF-8:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

The browsers recognize the charset correctly (even IE7). But no special characters are displayed. I only see an empty square box.
This is the case for all of the following browsers: IE7, Safari 4, Firefox 3.5, Chrome 4.1, Opera 10.51.

So, is there any way to configure to enable all (or most) unicode characters for browsers running on Windows XP?


I'm going to ask a Microsoft worker mate for a solution. Maybe he know the way... Until the answer will come try windows-65001 instead of UTF-8.

The windows-65001 is equal to UTF-8, but got another name. Maybe it counts for the old systems.

Thanks for your tip, but I think that's kind of overkill for what I'd like to to. Basically, I would like to use Unicode characters/symbols instead of small images.
Daniel Pietzsch
Somebody devoted me :( Why?
@marharépa maybe because you changed your answer completely? ;-) Thanks for your efforts. Using `windows-65001` did not solve the problem.
Daniel Pietzsch

I ended up using graphics instead of Unicode characters. That was the only way I could be sure it looks as expected across all browsers and operating systems.

Daniel Pietzsch