Is there a way to make a TSQL variable constant?
There are no such thing as "creating a constant" in database literature. Constants exist as they are and often called values. One can declare a variable and assign a value (constant) to it. From a scholastic view:
SET @two = 2
Here @two is a variable and 2 is a value/constant.
No but you can create a function and hardcode it in there and use that
Here is an example
create function fnConstant()
returns int
return 2
select dbo.fnConstant()
No, but good old naming conventions should be used.
declare @MY_VALUE as int
Okay, lets see
Constants are immutable values which are known at compile time and do not change for the life of the program
that means you can never have a constant in SQL Server
declare @myvalue as int
set @myvalue = 5
set @myvalue = 10--oops we just changed it
the value just changed
@ Nick: those are mutable (by calling SET
later on), not constant.
There is no built-in support for constants in T-SQL. You could use SQLMenace's approach to simulate it (though you can never be sure whether someone else has overwritten the function to return something else…), or possibly write a table containing constants, as suggested over here. Perhaps write a trigger that rolls back any changes to the ConstantValue