



We are using CPNMouse for an application running on Windows XP. One mouse device is detached from the normal event queue, so we can get it's position and events and draw the cursor ourselves.

Unfortunately, CPNMouse does not work on Windows Vista/7 (see here). Is there any library/SDK that provides the same capabilities on Windows 7?

Just to clarify - we want the "normal" cursor to be present and to draw another cursor, that should be mapped to a different mouse device.


Take a look at the MultiPoint SDK, which allows for up to 25 cursors on the same display, which also supports Windows 7.

Rowland Shaw
I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that the application does not use the .NET framework. It uses native C++ and Qt 4.

You want the "Raw Input" API which comes with the Windows Platform SDK: MSDN: About Raw Input

Mads Elvheim
I am aware of the RawInput API, it is available in Windows XP as well. The problem is I can't use it as I mentioned in my question: in a windowed application, it is not possible to draw the cursor for only one of the devices.

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