
Multiple mouse cursors on Windows 7

We are using CPNMouse for an application running on Windows XP. One mouse device is detached from the normal event queue, so we can get it's position and events and draw the cursor ourselves. Unfortunately, CPNMouse does not work on Windows Vista/7 (see here). Is there any library/SDK that provides the same capabilities on Windows 7? J...

How can I clear TCanvas? Or any other solution.

I'm using this TCanvas to draw cursors for my mice Canv := TCanvas.Create; Canv.Handle := GetWindowDC(0); .... For every mice event do the following Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create; CursorInfo.cbSize := sizeof(CursorInfo); GetCursorInfo(CursorInfo); Bitmap.Width := 32; Bitmap.Height := 32; Bitmap.Transparent:=true; DrawIconEx(Bitmap.Canvas....