



We are porting our .NET library to a java equivalent and is now looking at how to distribute this port. Packaging the classes into a jar-file seems like best practice and we would then ship this jar file in a zip along with some license terms.

But what about the documentation? In .NET land it seems like best practice to distribute the xml file that can be consumed by tooling (Visual Studio) but we can't seem to find such best practices for java. We have javadoc comments on our public classes and interfaces, so we are just looking for a way to generate and distribute these comments in a way that is developer friendly (we're thinking easily consumed from various IDEs). What are developers expecting and how do you best deliver this?

We would really prefer to bundle the documentation along with the jar file and not have to host the documentation on our website

EDIT: We would like for our documentation to appear inside the java IDEs so we want to provide the documentation in a way that integrates into the IDEs as gracefully as possible. In .NET land this is as an xml file placed next to the .dll file, but is there a similar concept for jar files that enables the integration into tooling?

PS: We are developing in Eclipse and have an ant task doing the building and jar-file packaing in our automated build.


The most usual way to provide documentation is to create a javadoc site, visibile from the web. The most obvious way to do so is to invoke the ajvadoc command on your project. This way, the full site will be generated. But, to have it synchronized with your code, I would recommand you to go the full enterprise build way and to create a maven build for your project. This way, when creating a commercial version (the mvn release command), a full documentation website will be created with all the reports concerning your project.

+2  A: 

A common way is to create a 'doc' folder, under which you generate the JavaDoc for your project.

Your final package then looks like this:

  • product.jar
  • doc
  • Other stuff

Maven makes this easy, but a tool like Ant can also be easily be set up to do this. Obviously, there's also the manual way, but it's recommended to include it as part of the build process.

Eric Eijkelenboom
One question: I'm from .NET but on the face of it it seems like there should be a more neutral and consumable format (such as xml) for IDEs so each IDEs wouldn't have to implement their own parsing enginefor the documentation files (which I presume is the html files outputted by javadoc)
JavaDoc is not like e.g. SandCastle. The JavaDoc html output is a complete ready-to-go website, just click 'index.html' and you're good to go. In most Java IDEs (Eclipse, Netbeans, etc), you can specify a JavaDoc folder for each jar on your classpath. The generated html is fairly easy to process for an IDE since JavaDoc generates 1 html file per type. So, documentation for com.eric.MyFunkyType ends up in MyFunkyType.html in the com/eric/ subfolder.
Eric Eijkelenboom
Thanks for the reply Eric. It just seemed to me that this requires the additional step of having to specify the location of the documentation (instead of just discovering it by convention a la Visual Studio) but I see how the location of the specific file can be deducted. But the parsing of actual member info etc. must depend upon the chosen html output format, right? I may be narrow-minded here, but xml seems like the logical lowest common denominator for holding this information for tooling
Most Java IDEs that I know can also generate the JavaDoc 'hovers' from 3rd party source code (if it includes JavaDoc comments). You would of course still have to point the IDE to the source path, but conversion says that this is often located under a 'src' directory. Regarding parsing the HTML: with JavaDoc you can't choose different HTML formats (like with e.g. SHFB), so the HTML always has the same structure. I guess XML is maybe better for IDEs (easier parsing) and HTML is good for humans (directly readable, no extra tools needed for conversion to human readable format). Good point :)
Eric Eijkelenboom

I think the most usual way it's to provide javadoc and sources jar for you library. Using maven then you could execute mvn dependency:sources and IDE should give you all context sensitive help with your library. And of course javadocs should be accessible via web.
