




I have a function that I use on index.php page and I would like to call it from other php page (other.php). How to make this function available without redeclaration? I think it's achievable using sessions, but I am not sure how to do it exactly.

Th problem is that it works in index.php, because it uses some API declaration, but it doesn't on other.php. I am not sure how to setup the API on other.php page, so I will need some sort of session pass rather than seperate file with functions. Any ideas?

EDIT: Maybe it's confusing, so I will try to clarify it. I have a page let's say index.php with a function: get_loggedin_user(); . It prints the user's name. It works in index.php because it is a part of a CMS system with an API and uses this API. The problem is that I would like to use this function on (or in worst case pass the user's name) to other page (other.php) which is accessible by the link form index.php. Now I would like to print user's name on other.php. Is this achievable? I know I can pass the name using sessions and I would like to know how to do this, or if it is possible, how to access this function. Hope it's clear now.


function can declare in separate page like functions.php, for use that page include in index.php and your redirect page.

+1  A: 

not sessions. sessions can store data, not code.
just place your function into file and then include in both scripts

Col. Shrapnel
+7  A: 

You'ld be better of having your functions declared in one php file and include it in all php files where you need it.


// require_once will prevent a file being included multiple times
// and so prevents functions from being redeclared again (which would cause errors)
require_once 'yourfilewithfunctions.php';

$result = call_your_function( $with, $parameters );

please see edit.

Hi, the best think to do is to writte yours functions in an another file (ex.: functions.php). And after that, you do a include like "include_once('functions.php')"...

edited your code to remove error suppress operator
Col. Shrapnel

I would assume that get_loggedin_user(); is pulling information from a session. Print out the session and see what variables are being set there. You can then access them from your other.php page.

For example, if the session has a variable like 'logged_in_user_name', you can access it using $_SESSION['logged_in_user_name'].

Scott Saunders