




I have an array and a variable, I want to check if any of the array items occur in the variable. I presume I somehow use strstr()?


$bad = array('google.com', 'facebook.com', 'myspace.com');
if(ANY OF $bad IS IN $ref) {

You should use strpos if you only want to determine if the variable exists, but you don't need to return part of the string.


If you need substring matching for your referers (e.g., match 'three' in '...three...'):

$array = array('one', 'two', 'three', ...);
$val = '...three...';
foreach ($array as $entry) {
    if (strpos($val, $entry) !== false) {
        print 'Look ma, I found it!';

If not (i.e., you are looking for exact matches), you can just;

$array = array('one', 'two', 'three', ...);
$needle = 'three';
if (in_array($needle, $array)) {
    print 'Look ma, I found it!';

Edited according to @pinkgothic's (correct) comment.

If you swap `if (strpos($entry, $needle) !== false) {` for `if (strpos($needle, $entry) !== false) {` in your first answer (ideally renaming `$needle`, e.g. to `$variable`), this is a perfect answer to the question! The question is if [any of] the array elements are in the variable, not vice versa. :)
@pinkgothic You're right. Edited.
+3  A: 
foreach ($array as $value) {
    if (strpos($variable, $value) !== false) {
        // yep, this array element exists in your variable, do what you want here

(strpos() is a better choice than strstr(), it's less resource-heavy.)

+1  A: 

You could do it like this, but it is a bit of a cheat. str_ireplace() will take an array of search values, and also will tell you how many replacements it did, so if it did any replacements you know you have a match.


$bad = array('google.com', 'facebook.com', 'myspace.com');

str_ireplace($bad, '', $ref, $count);

if ($count > 0) {
    die ('bad');   
Tom Haigh
Ooh, that's an interesting trick - I like out of the box thinking. Though `$count` would fail to be accurate if one of the array elements was a subset of another, or overlapped, right? Mind, that's of course only relevant if you need an exact number of matches, and I doubt that's the case here. [I really, really need to stop reaching my daily upvoting limit in the first five minutes of SO. c_c]
@pinkgothic: Yeah you are right, you would get a smaller count, because subsequent searches would be on the modified string.
Tom Haigh
Still, this is pretty awesome! I'm committing it to memory. Thank you for sharing. :)