



Hi all,

I am currently building a DHCPMessage class in c#.

RFC is available here :


public object DHCPMessage
    bool[8] op;
    bool[8] htype;
    bool[8] hlen;
    bool[8] hops;
    bool[32] xid;
    bool[16] secs;
    bool[16] flags;
    bool[32] ciaddr;
    bool[32] yiaddr;
    bool[32] siaddr;
    bool[32] giaddr;
    bool[128] chaddr;
    bool[512] sname;
    bool[1024] file;
    bool[] options;

If we imagine that each field is a fixed length bit array, what is :

  1. The most versitile
  2. Best practice

way of representing this as a class???

OR.. how would you write this? :)

+9  A: 

For starters, you might try the BitArray class. No need to reinvent the wheel here.

If you're worried about it taking up too much space/memory, don't be. Just initialize it to the right size:

BitArray op = new BitArray(8);

(The above will hold 8 bits and should take up 1 byte)

sure thats not a little bloating?
No - its part of the framework, its already there
James Westgate
+2  A: 

Are you sure you want to be using bit arrays for some of these? For example, you can use byte for 8 bits, int for 32 bits, and byte arrays for pieces that map to null terminated strings like 'sname' for example. Then you can use simple bitwise operators (&, |) to check/manipulate the bits.

Here are some posts I did on converting TCP header to a structure, which also covers endianness etc.

These are quite old, I migrated them from my old blog just so they do not get lost.

Chris Taylor
I agree - doing it as in the OP would be FIENDISHLY difficult since the meaning is in the field as a whole, not individual bits within that field.
+3  A: 

You are on the wrong track with this, it isn't a bit vector. The message is defined in "octets", better known as "bytes". An equivalent C# declaration that you can use with Marshal.PtrToStructure is:

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
    struct DHCPMessage {
        public byte op;
        public byte htype;
        public byte hlen;
        public byte hops;
        public uint xid;
        public ushort secs;
        public ushort flags;
        public uint ciaddr;
        public uint yiaddr;
        public uint siaddr;
        public uint giaddr;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=16)]
        public byte[] chaddr;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=64)]
        public string sname;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=128)]
        public string file;

You'll need to handle the variable length options field separately.

Hans Passant
This is probably the "right" answer. I had no idea why he wanted to represent those fields as bit arrays but assumed that there must have been a good reason for it. If the message is actually supposed to be *sent* somewhere then bit arrays are only creating unnecessary work.