



I am trying to write a custom select statement in Hibernate using the getHibernateTemplate() method. I am having problems with the resulting mapping.

Example Code:

List<User> users = getHibernateTemplate().find("Select user, sysdate as latestPost from User as user");
for (User user : users) {

The goal of the above line is to eventually have a join where I get the max(date) of posts made by the user. The problem I am having is that the resulting users list is not a list of User objects and I get a class cast exception.

Hopefully that is enough code. It is a greatly simplified version of my problem and a combination of snippets from various parts of my application.


Sounds like Hibernate isn't want you want here. Maybe you should start with SimpleJDBCTemplate and a RowMapper and build up from there.

Already have a pretty complex site built up. Just have this page that shows a table of users and next to them how many posts they have, only the real problem is far more complicated than that. I have a total of 9 aggregates I need to show and the front end is in JSF. That is another route I may just have to take. I was just hoping to combine the data pull into 1 query instead of so many (users x 9)
Bill Leeper
Thanks, this comment did get me onto the right track as noted in the solution I posted.
Bill Leeper

Figured this out. I am already using a HibernateDaoSupport derived DAO class so this solution goes along with that.

String queryString = "Select {user.*}, (select max(submitted) from posts where post.user_id = MAX_POST from users user";
SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString);
query.addEntity("user", User.class);
query.addScalar("MAX_POST", Hibernate.DATE);

List results = query.list();
List<User> users = new ArrayList();
for (Object item : results) {
    Object[] element = (Object[]) item; 
    User user = (User)element[0];

The above example is greatly simplified but should show a method you can use to solve this problem. I actually was able to include one of my EAGER fetches by incorporating into the SQL the neccessary tables and then use the addJoin method

Bill Leeper

Thanks That solved my problem

Shaikh Mohammed Shariq