



Hi guys rookie Java question.

I have a Java project and I want to include a text file with the executable jar. Right now the text file is in the default package.

InputFlatFile currentFile = new InputFlatFile("src/theFile.txt");

I grab the file with that line as you can see using src. However this doesn't work with the executable jar.

Can someone please let me know how to keep this file with the executable jar so someone using the program can just click a single icon and run the program.



The base directory in the jar file is in the classpath.

Try InputFlatFile currentFile = new InputFlatFile("theFile.txt");

You are probably using an IDE and it has a src folder in it that the IDE uses for the base of the packages. When you create the jar file from the IDE it then removes the src folder and the root folder has the packages in it.

i.e. in eclipse src/com.blah.blah once jar file is created the structure becomes com.blah.blah

Of course I assume that InputFlatFile is properly reading the value.

Romain Hippeau
Thanks, that link helped me figure it out!

you want it IN the executable jar? then to read the file you should use


to read the file.

Keep the text file in the package you want to access it from. The classloader will find it.

Remember also that filenames in JARs are case sensitive.

Sanjay Manohar