



I am trying to click on an image and change it to another image through jquery.

When i step through the below code, on the serverside, the controller action fires and on the client side, i can see the correct html return in firebug watch window but the image doesn't change at all. any idea why this div is not updating?

original div:

<div class="inlineDiv" toggle="off" id="22"><img src="../../images/vote-favorite-off1.png" border="0"></div>

jquery code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('div.inlineDiv').live('click', function() {

        var id = $(this).attr("id");
        var toggle = $(this).attr("toggle");

        var url = '/Tracker/Update?id=' + id + '&toggle=' + toggle;

        $.get(url, function(data) {

controller action:

  public ActionResult Update(int id, string toggle)
       if (toggle == "off")
            return Content("<img src='../../images/vote-favorite-on1.png' border=0'>");
        return Content("<img src='../../images/vote-favorite-off1.png' border=0'>");
+4  A: 

i believe the this in the get is referring to the get's function.



$(this) isn't referring to the correct object at this point. Try assigning the object to a variable first, or just say $('div.inlineDiv').html(data)

var objDiv=$(this);
    $.get(url, function(data) {

another method would be $('div.inlineDiv img').attr('src',returnedPath); but you'd have to update the controller action to resturn just the src path.

or as said below $('div.inlineDiv').load(URL);

Steve H