Considering that the css file can have multiline class definitions, and that there can be several ocurrences in the same file, I'd bet perl is the way to go.
For example:
#input: css filename , and css class name without dot (in the example, ExampleClass)
my ($filen,$classn) = @ARGV;
my $out = findclassuse($filen,$classn);
# print filename and result if non empty
print ("===== $filen : ==== \n" . $out . "\n") if ($out);
sub findclassuse {
my ($filename,$classname) = @_;
my $output = "";
open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die $!;
$/ = undef; # so that i read the full file content
my $css = <$fh>;
$css =~ s#/\*.*?\*/# #g; # strip out comments
close $fh;
while($css =~ /([^}{]*\.$classname\b.*?{.*?})/gs) {
$output .= "\n\n" . $1;
return $output;
But this is not 100% foolproof, there remains some issues with comments, and the css parsing is surely not perfect.