I'm not very experienced with Java, just started a couple weeks ago, but I have a simple applet that has two user controlled balls, drawn through java.awt and I need a way to detect a collision with between them. I have an algorithm for detecting collision with the walls:
while (true){
if (xPositon > (300 - radius)){
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
else if (xPositon < radius){
xSpeed = -xSpeed;
else if (yPositon > (300 - radius)) {
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
else if (yPositon < radius){
ySpeed = -ySpeed;
xPositon += xSpeed;
yPositon += ySpeed;
and for the second ball
if (xPositon2 > (300 - radius)){
xSpeed2 = -xSpeed2;
else if (xPositon2 < radius){
xSpeed2 = -xSpeed2;
else if (yPositon2 > (300 - radius)) {
ySpeed2 = -ySpeed2;
else if (yPositon2 < radius){
ySpeed2 = -ySpeed2;
xPositon2 += xSpeed2;
yPositon2 += ySpeed2;
the applet is 300 pixels by 300 pixels radius stores the radius of the circles xPositon and xPositon2 store the x cordanents for the two balls yPositon and yPositon store the y cordanents for the two balls xSpeed and xSpeed2 store the x velocities for the two balls ySpeed and ySpeed2 store the y velocities for the two balls I've only taken algebra 1 so please no advanced math or physics.