




I have a Page with a Wizard component. The user can navigate the panels of the wizard by using the next and previous buttons which I have performing full (non-ajax) form submissions so that the app is back-button friendly.

When the next button is clicked, I would like to attempt ajax form validation (if javascript is enabled). I tried doing:

nextButton.add( new AjaxFormValidatingBehavior( form, "onsubmit") );

to add such validation. The behaviour works - however, when validation errors occur the browser still submits the entire form.

What is the Wicket way to prevent the browser from submitting the form in this case?


Override the onError() method on either the form or the AjaxFormValidatingBehavior. If you do it on the behavior, I am not sure if that will prevent the form from submitting or not.

new AjaxFormValidatingBehavior( form, "onsubmit") {
   public void onSubmit() {}
   public void onError() {}
Thanks, but what could I put in onError() to stop the submission though? It appears that on the client side there is no script preventing the full form submission from happening. I'm not sure how I could prevent that from happening unless there are no validation errors. I've tried implementing getFailureScript by returning "return false;" to attempt to squash the event, but to no avail.
Brian Laframboise
Add a `FeedbackPanel` to the top of your form. Then in `onError()` you add it to the target so it gets refreshed through Ajax (`target.addComponent(feedbackPanel)`). If there are validation errors, the FeedbackPanel should show the corresponding error messages. You can also add custom messages to the panel (`feedbackPanel.error("Validation Error")`)