



As a purely academic exercise (read "because I have no life"), I'm trying to write a function f which accepts another function g, executes g for its side effect, and returns itself.

So I have this:

let rec f g x =
    ignore(g x)
    fun y -> f g y

F# complains:

      fun y -> f g y;;

C:\Users\Juliet\AppData\Local\Temp\stdin(8,14): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
but given a
    'b -> 'a    
The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''b -> 'a'

If it works the way I intend, then I could write:

let printer = f (printfn "%s")
// prints:
//    this
//    is
//    so
//    useless
//    its
//    awesome

Is it possible to write a function like this?

+14  A: 

No, the static types can't work out. (Maybe if there were infinite types, but there's little practical use for that in a statically-typed language.)

You can do this though:

type Inf<'T> = Inf of ('T -> Inf<'T>)  // '
    with member this.App x =
            match this with Inf(f) -> f x

let rec f g x = 
    g x
    Inf(fun y -> f g y)

let printer = f (printfn "%s") 
I am not one of the users who asked for option `-rectypes` in OCaml, but some users certainly found practical uses for them, and the objects that caused the debate in the first place are arguably practical (again, I am not the one to argue, but someone would).
Pascal Cuoq
I really wish you could write `with member (Inf f).App x = f x` instead. It would be so much cleaner.
+1, +answer: you're even bigger nerd than me, and always helpful too! Its clunky, but works as advertised. For what its worth, I was actually trying to write something similar, but with delegates instead: `type 'a combinator = delegate of 'a -> 'a combinator`, then `f` has the type `'a combinator -> 'a -> 'a combinator` -- but couldn't figure out how to instantiate the delegate type!
@Juliet - this works: `type 'a recDel = delegate of 'a -> 'a recDel`; `let rec f g = recDel(fun x -> g x; f g)`. However, you need to use `Invoke` to call the delegate, so it's a bit ugly: `(f (printfn "%s")).Invoke("this").Invoke("works").Invoke("okay")`
@kvb: ooooooh, that was what I was aiming for in the first place, much appreciated :) Would be nice to invoke those delegates without `.Invoke(...)` (<---- hey F# team! new feature request).
@kvb: Even though I am not familiar with F# (at **all**), browsing these comments just made me realize that I think your solution here is the same (deep down) as what I came up with in C# for my answer, correct? Too bad about `Invoke` being necessary in F# syntax, though!
Dan Tao
@Dan - Yes, that's right. It is indeed a shame that F# requires `Invoke`, but delegates are rarely used in F# (mainly for interop with other .NET languages), so it's usually not an issue.
+8  A: 

Well, I don't know about F#, but in PostScript you can do:

/quine {
    [ exch {exec [} aload pop
        [ 3 index
            {exec [ aload 7 1 roll ] cvx} aload pop
        ] cvx
        {aload 7 1 roll ] cvx} aload pop
    ] cvx
} def

This is a quinemaker, which when applied to a procedure, returns an executable quine, which is analogous to the conventional quine (a program that prints out its own source code). The executable quine does something and returns itself. Like the conventional quine, in which referencing the filename of the source code is considered cheating, the executable quine would be cheating if it referenced its own name within its body.

Since the above doesn't use any variables at all, not even locally, it makes legit quines. ^_^ (Of course, local variables are acceptable, but you don't always need them in PostScript.) It seems that almost all of the other solutions to this question are cheating by using named recursion or the this construct. :/

You can give this a procedure such as count and then exec the output any number of times:

{count} quine                              % make an executable quine
exec exec exec exec exec exec exec exec    % execute it eight times
pop pstack                                 % remove it from stack and print stack

This program prints out the integers from 7 to 0, counting down. There aren't even any numbers in the program source.

Executable quines for the win!

The equivalent for your example would be

(awesome!) (its) (useless) (so) (is) (this)
{=} quine
exec exec exec exec exec exec

As a bonus, here is a recursive infinite loop in PostScript (the iterative version is just {} loop):

[{[aload 8 1 roll] cvx exec} aload 8 1 roll] cvx exec

To stream an infinite list of pseudorandom integers to stdout, do

[{rand = [aload 8 1 roll] cvx exec} aload 8 1 roll] cvx exec

In fact, this infinite loop is nothing more than an auto-executing executable quine. So we can modify the quinemaker to do this:

/autoexecquine {
    [ exch {exec [} aload pop
        [ 3 index
            {exec [ aload 8 1 roll ] cvx exec} aload pop
        ] cvx
        {aload 8 1 roll ] cvx exec} aload pop
    ] cvx
} def

Then it's possible to run printer("this")("is")("so")("useless")("its")("awesome!") as PostScript code. Yes, in prefix style. You didn't think prefix style was possible in PostScript? Think again.

    {currentfile token {1 1 index length 2 sub getinterval =}{quit} ifelse}
    autoexecquine exec
} def


Running this in the GhostScript shell, after defining autoexecquine and printer:


Note that this is a hack that reads data from the current file (stuff not yet processed) and operates on it, instead of what's already on the stack. It won't work when embedded in a function.

+1: don't care if this isn't F#, its mind warpingly awesome ;)

It's pretty simple in python:

def magic(f, arg):
    return lambda arg: magic(f, arg)

Here's a usage example:

import sys
def prnt(x): 

printer = magic(prnt, "")

printer("hello ")("world")
hasen j
You've missed the point of the question; the function `f` needs to take both the action and the argument. You can't simply hard-code print as the action.
Greg Beech
RE @Greg: (see also my comment for the earlier answer)
Tomas Petricek
@Greg, updated answer
hasen j
you shouldn't do arg,it should probably be *args,since some functions don't take arguments, or some take more than one.
You should try defining `magic` in a way that doesn't reference `magic` from within its body. That's cheating. :p (It's like writing a quine that uses the filename of the source file within the file.)
@KirarinSnow: that's not cheating, it's the only way to do recursion.
hasen j
@hasen j: that's not the only way to do recursion; see the PostScript solution. You can also use the Y combinator or another fixed-point combinator:
@hasen j: also see the Scheme solution I just posted. It might be easier to read.
@KirarianSnow: your scheme is *not* easy to read.
hasen j
@hasen j: I didn't say it was easy to read; just possibly easier to read than the PostScript, if you're more familiar with Scheme.


ok I know this is not f#, but in python it is very easy:

def printer(str):
    print str
    return printer

so if you call it:

<function printer at 0x8a6ae9c>
You've missed the point of the question; the function `f` needs to take both the action and the argument. You can't simply hard-code print as the action.
Greg Beech
@Greg: That's not really a point. It doesn't matter what arguments does the function take. It would be easy to fix the Python version. The point is that solving this in a _statically-typed_ functional language is an interesting problem.
Tomas Petricek
Yeah, in Python its extremely easy using lambda, or even using a class that implements ____call____, but I wonder if this program has a static-typed solution.
@Tomas/jcao219 You mean getting the F# type inference to play nice? :-) The actual 'static typing' bit doesn't have to make it hard.
+13  A: 

ocamlc does not accept

let rec f g x =
ignore(g x) ;
fun y -> f g y

but ocamlc -rectypes does. OCaml's -rectypes option amounts more or less to disabling the occur-check in the unification algorithm while type-checking.

This feature has a typical history: the behavior was introduced at the same time as objects because it was needed to type them. Later it was noticed that the behavior confused users: often, typing error messages were only printed far after the mistake. So recursive types were disabled for non-object values. Enough users had already found uses for them, though, that by complaining loudly they obtained the option to have recursive types to be introduced again in a third version.

Morality: think twice before you introduce new features, because people will use them

Pascal Cuoq
+10  A: 

To add some details to Brian's answer, the problem is that the type definition is recursive. A simpler case would be a function that takes unit, does some side-effect and returns itself (this won't compile):

let rec foo () = printf "called"; foo

The compiler infers the following information about the types:

foo : unit -> ´a
´a = unit -> ´a   // This doesn't have (finite) solution in F#

One way to deal with this kind of limiation is to support recursive types. In theory you can define a recursive type using μ (which is a bit like lambda abstraction). When you write μt.<some type expression> it means that you're defining some type and t can be used to recursively refer to that type inside its definition.

For example a list would be defined as μt.unit + (int * t) ("+" denotes discriminated union and "*" denotes a tuple). Here, the value is either unit (empty list) or a cons cell, which is a tuple containign integer and the list itself.

The type of my sample function using this notation is μt.unit -> t. The problem is that the way types are handled in F# (and OCaml/Haskell) doesn't really allow you to write this type without giving it an explicit name (which is essentially what Brian does). In F#, the name cannot be a type alias, but an explicit type declaration. As Pascal mentions, in OCaml, it can be type alias if you provide -rectypes flag. There are some useful information about recursive types on Wikipedia.

That's my purely academic answer to a purely academic question!

Tomas Petricek
+7  A: 

Juliet: The type system is getting in your way. Switch to Scheme and you can have some fun, although the fact that functions are not Curried is annoying:

-> (define f (g x) (begin (g x) (lambda (y) (f g y))))
-> (val it (f not 3))
-> (it print 99) 
error: expected 1 but found 2 arguments in (it print 99)
-> (f print 99)

P.S. Get a life :-)

Norman Ramsey
You should define `f` in a way that doesn't reference `f` from within its definition. That's cheating. :p (It's like writing a quine that refers to the filename of its source code.)
@Kirarin: Why? In Juliet's question, f refers to itself? Why complicate things with an explicit fixed-point combinator? That's not what's at issue here...
Norman Ramsey
@Norman Ramsey: Because it's more awesome! See my Scheme solution, just posted. I mean, you can do it the easy way, or you can do it the theoretically interesting way (as with conventional quines). I opt for the latter.
+2  A: 

Well, I'll cheat and use Scala ... because I don't F# :-) I also cheat and don't use the 'short' notation which doesn't allow recursive types AFAIK.

case class F[T](g: (T) => Unit) extends Function1[T,F[T]] {
 def apply (s: T): F[T] = { g(s); this }
>> defined class F
F((s: String) => println(s))("a")("b")("c")
>> a
>> b
>> c
>> res4: F = <function>

It's been awhile, but I believe I've done this in SML before -- see how Lazy Sequences can be implemented. (I may have returned a new function, not the same one, or supplied extra typing. It's been forever and I'm forgetful.)

+1, Awesome...!
You should try doing this without using `this` or referring to the name of the function from with its definition. Otherwise, it's analogous to referring to the current file within a quine, which is cheating. :p

My haskell isn't excellent, but I assume this is equivalent:

f g x = g x >> f g

It fails, however. "Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b = t -> b" I'm not surprised to see F# fail similarly. With a statically-typed language, it makes fundamental sense why you can't have infinite types.

I do kind of like the haskell code, though. It has a certain zen-like quality to it.

OCaml can type this.
Jon Harrop
+1  A: 

I'm not sure if I'd call this a quine since it doesn't return it own "source code" but rather an instance of itself. It's more of a chain maker (from function chaining). A simple implementation in Javascript would be:

function chain (f) {
  return function () {
    return arguments.callee;


g = chain(function(x){alert(x)});

Also, I'm almost certain this is some sort of combinator. Not quite the Y combinator but something like it.

The connection is that the result of evaluating a quine is the quine (`f() = f`). The OP is basically asking for a quine generator (`f g x = f g`). Note that the Y combinator can be used as a quine generator (evaluate `Y(λx.x)`).
You should try doing this without `this`. :p What you have now is like referencing the filename of a quine within the file.
@outis f() = f is not a quine. A Quineis f() = f.toString()
@slebetman: sure `f() = f` is a quine. The only reason quines are often strings is that for some languages, "result" means character output. In others (e.g. lambda calculus), a "result" is a term in normal form. `Y(λx.x) = (λx.(λx.x)(xx))(λx.(λx.x)(xx)) = (λx.x)((λx.(λx.x)(xx))((λx.(λx.x)(xx)) = ((λx.(λx.x)(xx))((λx.(λx.x)(xx))` See, a quine.
@outis by definition a quine's output is a character string because a quine is a program (not a function, although in some languages a function can be a complete program) that generates it's own source code. A function that generates itself is a chainable function, not a quine.
@Kirarin it also works if you replace this with null. Apply just wants to know what object you want to bind the given method to. In other words, if the function uses the keyword "this" then what exactly does "this" refer to. For pure functions that don't use the "this" keyword you can safely pass in null.
@slebetman: now we're arguing about definitions, which can't be resolved logically. As to the merits of each definition, under yours, pure lambda calculus (and any language without character output) can't have quines. My definition is inclusive of yours, as the term "result" is left ambiguous. One could also say "the output of a quine is the quine", leaving "output" ambiguous.
@slebetman: ok, my bad; I misunderstood... can you write this without "callee"?
@Kirarin of course, just use a closure: `function(f){var g = function(){f.apply(this,arguments); return g}; return g}`. But it's really not that much different from the original code.
@slebetman: I'm sorry, my JavaScript is rusty. The problem is that you have `var g = function(){ ... return g}`. That's an explicit self-reference. It is possible (as in the Scheme and PostScript examples) to do this without referring to `g` within its own definition. I think it's a fun challenge, and I might attempt this in JavaScript sometime...
+2  A: 

Okay, here's a Haskell version that actually works.

f g = F $ \x -> g x >> return (f g)

newtype F a = F { runF :: a -> IO (F a) }
f $$ x = f >>= ($x) . runF

The combinator unwraps IO and F so the end syntax isn't too clumsy. It now returns the actual result of the function application, instead of cheating and returning the original function as it used to ;)

Sample use:

printer = return (f putStrLn)
*Main> printer $$ "this" $$ "is" $$ "so" $$ "useless" $$ "it's" $$ "awesome!"

That was with the question's intended meaning, where the returned function is the one that always applies the initial argument one, with whatever arguments are repeatedly applied.

My first interpretation was that a new function was provided at each application. This is still possible, by providing an action of id:

sequencer = return (f id)

*Main> sequencer $$ putStrLn "Press return" $$ (getLine >> return ()) $$ putStrLn "Thanks!"
Press return

I'm sorry, I'm totally (and unpurposefully) cheating you on this one. The program does typecheck, but only actually works because the combinator applies f to g, discards the result and returns the original f instead of returning said result. Changing that makes it hang after one application. Debugging time.
This is now fixed.
+4  A: 

As others have pointed out, this works fine in a dynamically typed language. One approach I haven't seen suggested so far is to use F# as a dynamic language (using boxing and unboxing):

let rec f g x =
  g x
  box (f g)

let printer = f (printfn "%s")

let (<?) f x = (unbox f) x

printer <? "this" <? "is" <? "so" <? "cool" |> ignore

We need the (<?) combinator here because F# won't allow us to directly apply an obj to a value, but otherwise this is pretty faithful to your original formulation.

Oh wow, that's evil ;)
@Juliet - you might recognize Brian's answer and this one as vaguely analogous to parts of my answer to another of your questions (
+3  A: 

OK, it took me a while, but here's the anonymous recursive definition of the quinemaker in (Guile) Scheme:

(define (quine f)
    (lambda (z)
      ((unquote f) z)
       ((lambda (x) (let ((y (copy-tree x)))
              (set-cdr! (cadr (cadddr y))
                (list (list (quote quote) x)))
     (lambda (z)
       ((unquote f) z)
        ((lambda (x) (let ((y (copy-tree x)))
               (set-cdr! (cadr (cadddr y))
                     (list (list (quote quote) x)))

Here's the printer function:

(define printer
  (quine (lambda (x) (display x) (newline))))

In action:

guile> ((((((printer "this") "is") "so") "useless") "its") "awesome!")
#<procedure #f (z)>
+4  A: 

I was able to get this to work using F#'s famous cousin, C#.

// a function that takes an argument of type T and returns:
//     a function that takes an argument of type T and returns:
//         a function that takes an argument of type T and returns:
//             a function that ... (etc.)
public delegate FuncFunc<T> FuncFunc<T>(T arg);

// creates a FuncFunc<T>, which is a function that ... (see above)
// having side effects specified by the given Action<T>
static FuncFunc<T> CreateFuncFunc<T>(Action<T> sideEffects)
    return x => {
        return CreateFuncFunc(sideEffects);

Little example program:

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var printer = CreateFuncFunc<string>(s => Console.WriteLine(s));


        int sum = 0;
        var adder = CreateFuncFunc<int>(i => { sum += i; Console.WriteLine(sum); });



Dan Tao

You can do this in C++. It's called chaining. You have to use a function-object though.

class fun{
 void(action*)(std::string); //your action
 fun operator()(std::string s){
  a(s); return fun(a);}

This is a pretty common idiom in boost::spirit.


The magic is possible!

In this answer, I will show that it is actually possible to answer the full question, i.e. provide a function f that takes another, effectful function and repeatedly returns itself while staying completely immutable, statically typed and nevertheless using nothing but plain functions; no objects and usual calling syntax.

Is it turns out, all that's needed is a type system that is powerful enough to statically infer what is done.

Typeclasses as used in Haskell are just a powerful notation for generics. When using generics as the functions return type, f can terminate or return itself when a function is needed for further calls being made.

It's all about the type system!

Using ghci:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

class Variandic a r where
    f :: (a -> IO ()) -> a -> r
    auxIO :: (a -> IO ()) -> IO () -> r

instance Variandic a (IO ()) where
    f op x = op x
    auxIO op = id

instance Variandic a r => Variandic a (a -> r) where
    f op x = \next -> auxIO op (op x >> op next)
    auxIO op x = \next -> auxIO op (x >> op next)

And usage looks like this:

-- Somewhat advanced hello world
main :: IO ()
main = do
  let printer = f putStr -- Putting strings ...

  printer "Hello" ", " "World"

Code like

printer "a" 42

will of course fail for being mistyped.



Solution in C++:

First, we declare a class that lets us return a self referential function pointer. (Based on this, although I didn't like the Coda...)

#include <boost/function_types/function_type.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/parameter_types.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/push_front.hpp>

template<class F>
struct FuncPtr {
  typedef F func_type;
  typedef typename boost::function_types::function_type<typename boost::mpl::push_front<boost::function_types::parameter_types<F>, FuncPtr<F> >::type>::type* type;

  FuncPtr( type pp ) : p( pp ) { }
  operator type() { return p; }
  type p;

Then, we declare our functions:

template<class F>
FuncPtr<void(*)(F)> f(F func)
  return f;

void g()
  cout << "Hello" << endl;

and then, if we call it a little bit like this:

typedef FuncPtr<void(*)(void(*)())>::type FunkyFuncPtr;
FunkyFuncPtr x = f(g);
x = x(g);
x = x(g);

then the output looks like this:

The FuncPtr works by exchanging the function's return value by its own type and then doing what Herb did.