at the beginning of an XPath expression starts from the document root. Try ".//stuffChild". . is shorthand for self::node(), which will set the context for the search, and // is shorthand for the descendant axis.
So you have:
XmlNode stuffChild = stuff.SelectSingleNode(".//stuffChild");
which translates to:
xmlNode stuffChild = stuff.SelectSingleNode("self::node()/descendant::stuffChild");
xmlNode stuffChild = stuff.SelectSingleNode("self::node()/descendant-or-self::stuffChild");
In the case where the child node could have the same name as the parent, you would want to use the slightly more verbose syntax that follows, to ensure that you don't re-select the parent:
xmlNode stuffChild = stuff.SelectSingleNode("self::node()/descendant::stuffChild");
Also note that if "stuffChild" is a direct descendant of "stuff", you can completely omit the prefixes, and just select "stuffChild".
XmlNode stuffChild = stuff.SelectSingleNode("stuffChild");
The W3Schools tutorial has helpful info in an easy to digest format.