




Hello, I'm looking for suitable PHP Editor or IDE with syntax auto-completion. I've tried trial versions of programs like Zend Studio, PHPDesigner, NetBeans PHP, NuSphere PhpED, and similar -- but none of them fully satisfied me.

I quite liked hint window with detailed info about what function does and what it returns. Also I liked the way NetBeans auto-complete code (for example inserts all required parameters in function declaration as "dummy fields" and then you can jump between them using TAB in order to edit them). On the other hand, environment of NetBeans doesn't belong to the nicest. In this regard I prefer PHPDesigner with its sleek and light interface. At this moment I don't use any of the debugging options, since I don't know yet how to use profiller, breakpoints, watches and what not, so at this point my only concern is good autocompletion. For this purpose NetBean would be great choice, but with future in mind I am not sure debugging will be good in NetBeans, especially as I would prefer to use remote Linux server for this.

So in short, I'm looking for editor that:

  • Have similar code auto-completion (IntelliSense) like NetBeans
  • Allow you to debug code using remote server (or sets up own debugging server like PHPDesigner does) without need to run Apache and similar on local computer
  • Is preferably easy to use / intuitive interface

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

free and intuitive, has auto-completion and ssh, aptana IDE

aptana have been stop development.
stop development? i didn't know bout dat...hmmm
Not stopped, but slowed down.
+1  A: 

Several years ago I did an evaluation of php Eclipse and Nusphere phED. Although php Eclipse has a lot of nice features, it was very buggy and unstable compared to phpEd. I especially like phpEd's remote debugging, sftp upload/download and synching for distributing code, and it's robustness/stability.

Charlotte Moller
The only thing missing is source format :(
It can be integrated with 3rd party code formatters, but that's not something I've used so I cannot vouch for it. I like the way it integrates with 3rd party source code control instead of implementing it's own, though, because it means I can use TortoiseSVN both in windows explorer and in phpEd instead of learning different interfaces.
Charlotte Moller
+1  A: 

You will definitely want to give devPHP a try. It is a full-featured PHP IDE that provides:

  • auto-complete
  • class browser
  • built-in FTP tools
  • internal and external previews
  • integration with the PHP documentation
  • many common text-editing features
George Edison
I just checked out devPHP. It's horrible!!! I now it's free... but it sucks!! I tried to create a project and it just asked me for a folder nothing else... That's a weird concept for project
@Antonio: no, it's not - you need a folder to put the PHP files in that you create.
George Edison
@George: Yes I know but in ide's like zend or nusphere you have many more options. You also have a treeview of the files. Didn't see any of that in devphp
devPHP used to be okay a couple years ago, now (since v2) it just sucks!
Alix Axel
devPHP....horrible official website....horrible application UI...
@TatMing: I take it you don't like devPHP?
George Edison