




I'm using the sfGuardDoctrine plugin, and I would like to customize the form validation messages.

How could I acomplish this? I can't find anything in the documentation.

The only way I have found is to copy sfGuardValidatorUser.class into /apps/frontend/lib/validator, but I would like to know if there is some way to just override the error message, not override the entire validator...


Strangely enough I was wanting to do this and searching StackOverflow just as you posted.

In sfGuardUserForm.class.php

For 'normal' fields (e.g. first_name, last_name), use getValidator:

public function configure()
  // You may not need to set the field as true, depending on your sfDoctrineGuard schema
  $this->getValidator('first_name')->setOption('required', true);
  $this->getValidator('first_name')->setMessage('required', 'Please enter your first name');

For fields in the PostValidator, the messages can be changed in the code:

  public function configure()

    // Handle the email address error - more complicated than the rest
    $pv = $this->validatorSchema->getPostValidator()->getValidators();
    $pv[0]->setMessage('invalid', "Someone has already registered with this email address");

Source for the basic idea

In sfGuardFormSignin.class.php

There doesn't seem to be an easy to follow logic here... for this post validator I used the following:

 public function configure()
   $this->validatorSchema->getPostValidator()->setMessage('invalid', 'Your email address or password is invalid');

I ended up with this structure through trial and error, but it works. (Now I need to move the post validator error from the 'username' field to a global error)

Other useful resources

This post shows how to set default messages to replace the rather unhelpful default symfony form errors.

Where are you placing this? I assume it is /lib/form/doctrine/sfGuardFormSignin.class.phpI have tried it and got this error: Call to undefined method sfGuardValidatorUser::getValidators()
Solved, you have to delete the "getValidators()" call, and replace $pv[0] by $pv
The above code has been written to go in lib/form/doctrine/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/sfGuardUserForm.class.php - for the other classes you may need to alter it.
Ok, please modify the code as it doesn't work that way.
I can't modify it to work for you, as this *is* the working code, copied straight from my project. FWIW I'm using sfDoctrineGuard trunk, not the package release.

If it's just the existing validation message you're looking to customise, I've seen four:

1 - failed username
2 - failed password
3 - failed username & password global error
4 - csrf attack after session timeout on form

The first two you can customise directly in plugins/sfDoctrinGuardPlugin/lib/form/doctrine, as you would for any other form.

The third I haven't bothered / found a way.

The fourth can be done like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2578397/symfony-1-4-custom-error-message-for-csrf-in-forms


I have found a post about external authentication. There the author creates a custom form that inherits from the original plugin form.

I think it is a clean way to customize everything, including error messages.

Link: http://blog.honnecke.us/2010/01/using-sfdoctrineguardusers-external-authentication/

Basically, we have to add in app.yml the name of our custom form:

sf_guard_plugin_signin_form: sfGuardCustomFormSignin

Then we create the form into the lib/form directory of our app folder:

class sfGuardCustomFormSignin extends sfGuardFormSignin
    public function configure(){
        // custom code here

