



Hi all, I'm currently looking for a new e-commerce solution for a small to medium-sized webshops. By now I've narrowed it down to 3 competitors: OpenCart (, PrestaShop ( and OXID eShop Community edition ( I'm interested in pros and cons of the different solutions, and if you are running a site using one of these solutions, why you chose that solution over the others.

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Hi rakke,

I know OXID eShop inside out and could answer you any precise question about it. Unfortunately, I don't know both other systems that well (just installed them once) to really can compare it. What especially are you interested in? Just a few facts from a developer point of view: OXID is object oriented PHP5 + MySQL, has got an own API, is extendable via a strict module system, upgradable and uses Smarty for your Design needs.

Cheers Marco

Hi Marco, from a developers point of view I'm interested in the ease of creating new modules and configuring the system to best suite the size of a given store. I'm also interested in the performance. I've tried the demo shop, and to me it seemed really slow. And it didn't have that many products. I'm also interested in the size of the English speaking OS community. Most of the sites content I found to be in German. From the users point of view I'm interested in the ease of adding new products and properties on these products, reports and tracking of sales. Why did you go with oxid? Cheers
Hi,Module programming is pretty easy. I suggest the tutorials site of OXIDforge: The performance flow you saw may depend on your server. A lot of shop owners have simple hosted packages, here are some examples:<br> international community is not that huge yet but is growing from day to day. Your questions in the international forums will be answered quickly> Why did you go with OXID?I am the Community Guide of OXID :-)CheersMarco
Hi Marco, do you know if there is any plans for an update of the admin interface? I like oxid, but the admin pages would drive a store owner crazy. Not to mention someone trying to create something standard compliant. Why do oxid still use frames? cheers, Jørgen
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Prestashop DB doesn't have any foreign key, and it's not trivial to add them (because the way the code is structured). I suggest to not use it..

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there's something you should know on opencart: it does not support unlimited categories, it supports only 300-500 cats...try to put on a local installation of opencart about 1000 categories and make the same on prestashop or oscommerce, then compare the cpu usage... performance first...
